Breaking Oranges

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  Suddenly, you stood up from your seat, resting the palms of your hands on the edge of the table. Seeing your sudden movement, the Luciels stared up at you, as if you were some rabid animal ready to attack. Lady Luciel's brown eyes widened with worry while Lord Luciel began to grip his fork tightly. Rayna seemed to sink into her chair, as if it would protect her from your nonexistent attack. Their behavior only irritated you more. You didn't see Lucian's expression for your gaze was locked on the Luciels.

"Listen, I'm here by choice. I stumbled upon his mansion and ended up staying. It was pure luck that I happened to be the rarity in the mage community. That's all there is to it, so stop questioning him like he's a criminal!" you exclaimed.

Silence filled the room, as all three Luciels looked at you with shock ridden faces. It felt good to finally yell. You didn't know if you vented for Lucian's sake or for yourself. Maybe you just needed to yell in order to get all of your frustration out. Lucian merely gazed at you. His facial expression remained neutral, betraying no emotion. Though, on the inside he was bewildered and pleased. He couldn't remember the last time someone stood up for him against the other council members. Keeping up his emotionless expression, he gently rested his right hand over your left arm, signaling you to sit down. Casting him a glare, you sat back down in your chair. Having just defended him, you were expecting a thank you, but instead just received an unreadable silence. However, you were surprised to hear laughter escaping Lady Luciel's mouth.

"You almost had me there Lucian, making it seem as though the hybrid would attack us. Furthermore, she thinks that you're not a criminal; how adorable," she stated, raising her fork to place it into the quiche.

"Yes, I was quite worried for a moment there. Though, now that I think about it, what could a hybrid do?"

Your fingers curled around your fork in a furious manner. They treated your outburst like that of a harmless dog barking at them. Now you could see why Lucian disliked council members so much. If they were all like the Luciels, you wouldn't want anything more than to strangle them all. However, something that Lady Luciel said awakened your curiosity. What did she mean by, 'she thinks that you're not a criminal'? You knew that Lucian had different views from the council, but that wouldn't classify him as a criminal, would it? Lucian did mention assassins being sent after him, but never gave much light to the situation. Glancing over at Lucian, you could tell that he noticed Lady Luciel's comment as well and he looked less than pleased.

"Ahh, yes Ms. ____ is quite harmless, so you have nothing to fear. Now is there anything else that you would like to ask?" he questioned, keeping himself composed.

"Hmm, seeing as you haven't tested out her abilities, I believe we are quite finished with our questions."

"Yes, I can sense that the hybrid is not lying, however unlikely her explanation seems. Thus currently, I see that she can cause no harm to the council, nor bring aid to it. Though, while we are here, we would like to discuss another matter."

Hearing that they were done asking questions about you, you sighed quietly in relief. They hadn't asked many questions, but your brief statement seemed to silence them on the subject. Lady Luciel was right, you didn't lie; you had just left out a majority of the facts. You were here by choice, since you had signed the contract. Moreover, you did come across this mansion unexpectedly, but that was when you were little. Though, ever since then you had a curiosity in the mansion. However, that curiosity ended three days ago. Likewise, it was luck that you had entered Lucian's mansion when he was already looking for you. Therefore, there was only truth in your statement, despite the lack of detail provided in that truth. Now knowing that the Luciels had no particular interest in you, you merely finished your quiche and moved onto the fruit.

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