Watch the Mystery

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   Somehow you had managed to turn on your side in Lucian's hold, which allowed you a more comfortable position, as you watched the movie playing on the television. Thus you didn't have to turn your neck at an uncomfortable angle. Of course you would have been more comfortable if you were in sitting in one of the various chairs in the study. Though to your dissatisfaction, Lucian had a rather tight hold on you. How he had managed to fall asleep so fast was beyond you. You assumed that he went to bed after you left him on the island in the lake, but due to his present condition, you were starting to second guess that assumption. Likewise, due to the proximity between you two, you could see visible dark circles under his eyes. What exactly did he do after you left him? Doubting that he had another council meeting, you realized that yet another secret surrounded him.

It was just like the mystery movie that you were watching. The detective knew only so much about the criminal, casting the offender in a shroud of secrets and mystery. Frustrated with the fact that you had such a lack of information on Lucian, you decided to wake him up. Your first attempt consisted of you merely shaking his right shoulder slightly. Though when that failed, you tried calling his name out loud, but again you didn't succeed at your task. As your attempts grew in number, so did your aggressiveness. When at last you fumed in frustration, you took your right middle finger and index finger and jabbed him hard in the neck. You were expecting him to awaken at the action, but instead he just remained fast asleep as though it was only a strand of hair tickling him.

You didn't know whether to yell in irritation, or be amazed at his reluctance to wake up. Was he really that tired? Sighing, you turned your attention back towards the television and watched the movie. The story line of the movie followed a typical detective film. A criminal had committed an act against the law and now the detective needed to find them before another horrendous crime was committed. Though, you had the suspicion that the criminal was a paid assassin. Each crime was executed in a fashion that only a professional could perform. The lack of evidence was astounding; it was a clean job, this strengthening the assumption that the murderer was skilled and wanted to leave no trace behind. Though, what criminal would want to leave evidence behind? However, most always left something, or took something with them from the crime scene. In this case though, it seemed like the perfect crime, the impossible crime. Your mind kept wrapping around what evidence could still be found, so far the only piece of information that they had was that the victim was killed of lethal injection.

Suddenly you found yourself becoming more and more intrigued with each passing moment. At one point you had completely forgotten the fact that you were lying on Lucian; he had become merely an object outside the realm of the movie. As the clock ticked on and the movie was coming to a close, the detective still hadn't solved the case. However, what intrigued you was the fact that the criminal was never shown once in the movie. Usually the movies would show at least one scene with criminal planning their next act. Though, this was lacking in this movie. There were only a few minutes left and the case was closed. The criminal had never been found. Thus as the door to the detective's office closed, the camera zoomed in on the detective. Taking a sip of his coffee, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a syringe. After doing so, he threw the syringe at a dart board, hitting the bull's-eye.

Your mouth hung open a little, as the criminal was revealed. All along it had been the detective. Stunned at the ending, you didn't realize that Lucian was shifting slightly underneath you. His purple eyes flickered open before landing on you. He thought your surprised face adorable. Casting his gaze over at the movie's credits, he wondered what he had missed. Last night he hadn't received much sleep due to some unexpected visitors. Once again the council had tried to kill him. Of course if he mentioned their failed attempt at murder, they would deny his claim. Thus even after sleeping for over an hour, he still felt quite tired.

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