Just a Drop of Water

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  Reaching your room, you entered the closet and pulled out a new outfit. Feeling the temperature in the mansion start to return back to normal, you grabbed a midnight blue dress that flared out at the bottom and had buttons on the front in the shapes of crescent moons. It was short sleeved and had a midnight blue ribbon tied around the waist where a bow rested on the back of the dress. Retrieving some new undergarments as well, you went into the bathroom.

Grabbing all the lavender shower products, since the flower was known to relieve stress, you undressed and entered the shower. In the process the orange juice and dried blood, this was still stuck to your skin, washed off into the drain at the bottom of the grey tiled floor of the shower. It felt nice just to let the warm water fall down on your skin. Resting your head against the black tiled wall, which had a strip of dark brown multicolored tile as well on it, you closed your (e/c) eyes and let the water fall down your form. Strands of wet hair hung in front of your face and stuck to your skin at times. However, soon you found yourself sitting on the floor of the shower. Not a moment later, you fell asleep.

Though, as soon as you slipped into unconsciousness, you woke with fright. For just that one moment of sleep, you saw pale green eyes staring back at you. You didn't know why you found them so terrifying, especially since you had a worse dream the night before. However, those eyes felt like they were examining your form in a horrible way. Turning off the water, your attention was soon focused on hearing someone running towards the bathroom. The door opened in a hurried manner and quickly you grabbed the grey towel that you had hung over the top of the shower. Just in time you had wrapped the towel around you when the dark grey shower curtains were pulled back. A deep red blush painted your cheeks in embarrassment, as you saw Lucian staring down at you.

"My pet, I heard you scream, what's the matter?" he asked, worry dominating his purple eyes.

Wait, you had screamed? You had no recollection of emitting such a sound from your mouth. However, you were now more concerned with Lucian being in the bathroom with you.

"I'm fine, just leave! Don't just come barging into the bathroom when someone's inside," you exclaimed, hugging the towel closer to your body.

Realization seemed to hit Lucian, as a light blush painted his cheeks.

"Ah, forgive me, my pet. Please tell me when you're dressed then," he stated before turning around and exiting the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

Relieved that he had left, you noted that he had just blushed. It was the first time such color decorated his face. Was he really that worried that he forgot that you were probably unclothed? Shaking your head a little at his behavior, you dressed and headed out of the bathroom. Upon doing so, you found yourself being pulled into a tight embrace.

Finding your face pressed against the velvet fabric of his coat, you heard him ask, "Now why did you scream?"

"Did I really scream, I don't recall doing so," you stated honestly and soon you found his grip loosening.

He didn't respond at first, but only pulled away from you slowly before looking down at your confused face.

"Hmm, well just tell me what happened then."

"I don't know. I fell asleep only for a moment before seeing pale green eyes staring back at me."

"Has this happened before, my pet?"

"Well I guess I had a dream with a figure, who had brown eyes. They were surrounded by blood and there were faceless figures staring at me as well."

Taking your information into consideration, he removed his hands from you and crossed his arms while he thought. Placing your hands in the small pockets on the front of your dress, you waited for him to respond. Time ticked away while the two of you stood in silence. Though, Lucian without anymore hesitation grabbed your right wrist where the bracelet lay. With no cause for care, he quickly examined the piece of enchanted jewelry. It didn't take long for you to see anger in his eyes. Instead of releasing your wrist, he pulled at it more, which caused you to wince in pain. Not a second later did he have his left fingers under your chin, making you look at him.

"My pet, why didn't you tell me that someone why trying to contact you?" he questioned with a dark, threatening tone.

"What? I don't understand. Lucian I had no idea why I had those dreams. Are you saying that they were messages of some sort? Believe me; I don't know what's going on."

"Hmm, I suppose I never did tell you that this bracelet can tell if someone's trying to contact you. However, this is still a problem. Brown and pale green eyes, you say? Your first dream was probably just a way to scare you. Thus I'm more worried about these pale green eyes."

While lost in thought, Lucian didn't notice that he was tightening his grip on you and your wrist felt like it was about to snap. At this point you cried out in pain and Lucian finally took notice of his iron grip on you. He instantly released your wrist and apologized. Proceeding to head over to your bed, he sat down and continued to think. While he did so you went over to the mirror, which dried your hair. You decided to just let it stay down, keeping your hairstyle simple.

"Lucian, so what do those eyes mean? Who was trying to contact me?" you questioned, not knowing if he had thought up an answer already.

"They mean that someone who has been looking for you has finally found you. As for who the individual is, I can't say, which is currently irritating me. I won't be able to know unless I know exactly what the person's eyes looked like. Therefore, I need more than the color; I need to see them for myself. However, I have some theories, but I can't be sure. I can make no assumptions due to my position. Thus my pet, we must attain those last two pieces. Luckily, the council has foolishly given me the task of entering the sanatorium where the second shard is located".

"So that's why you looked happy at them sending you there, but shouldn't I worry about this person trying to get to me?"

"Yes, but I won't let such an individual steal you away from me, so don't stress yourself over the matter. Just let me worry about it. As for the sanatorium, we'll head out tomorrow. While you were in the shower, I was informed that the rest of the council meetings for this week have been cancelled. Thus I will have no need to worry about them."

"Alright, but why does the council not know about a mask piece being in the sanatorium," you asked, trying to forget the pale green eyes.

Laughing slightly, he replied, "You heard Lord Luciel, the place is too dirty for them. They would never enter such a place even if it was still in operation; they wouldn't want to deal with the mentally ill, who might taint their own precious minds. Thus they have no idea of what lays inside. Beneath the sanatorium lies a passage leading to a mask piece. I can tell because the same barrier that was in the cave is there as well."

Nodding in response, you began to think about what was behind this barrier. Though, you found yourself becoming more concerned with the sanatorium. Apparently there was a monster killing mages in there. What would you do if you somehow got separated from Lucian? Unlike the crystal shard, you doubted that you could reason with this creature. A chill ran through you, as you thought about it being like the diamond eyed creature back in the cave. That was an experience you wouldn't ever want to repeat. Furthermore, what if there were other creatures in the sanatorium that the council didn't know about?

"Lucian are there any other creatures in the sanatorium?"

"When I last visited the place to see the barrier, I saw no creatures in there. However, with this new monster taking refuge in the sanatorium, it may have drawn in other creatures as well. Thus I don't want you to leave my side under any circumstances."

"Yeah, I'm presuming you'll give me something to defend myself with when we get to the barrier."

"Indeed. Now since we have discussed that matter, why don't we enjoy the rest of the day? Come I want to show you something."

Giving you no chance to protest, he linked his left arm with your right one and began to walk out of your room. Assuming that you no longer needed to go to the study, you just let him guide you through the mansion. Doors passed until you found yourself standing at the top of the stairs leading down to the foyer. However, Lucian went to the left, taking you along with him. You hadn't been down this way yet and so you were slightly curious. As usual you heard rain outside, as it hit the windows at the top of the foyer. Soon though, the two of you came across a grey-blue door just like the other ones in the mansion. However, this one had several silver gemstones planted in it. Moreover, there was no doorknob. You watched curiously, as Lucian pushed in each gemstone in a certain order. With all the gemstones now pressed, a doorknob appeared on the door. Placing his hand on the handle, he opened the door and stepped aside, allowing you passage first. Taking a step inside, your eyes locked onto something in the corner of the room.    

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