Scratches and Bruises

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

  Complying, you pulled up both of your shirt sleeves, revealing the various scratches that seemed to cover your skin. Glancing up at Lucian, you saw a look of displeasure cross his face and he seemed to mutter something under his breath. When he locked his gaze with yours, you gave him a confused look, as if questioning him about what he was currently mumbling. He sighed and merely replied that he should've protected you better.

Finding his concern comforting, you shook your head and replied, "Lucian, we had no idea that Rezin and Rayna would actually follow us into the woods."

"Wrong. I should've expected my cousin to pull such a move since his position of desperation grows."

"Look Lucian; it's already done, so stop worrying about it. We took care of Rayna, and we can deal with Rezin later, though; I'm wondering how they got into the woods so quickly."

"Rezin took the stairs and sacrificed twenty people in the process," Lucian replied, now casting his gaze at the injuries on your arms.

"Based on what you've been telling me about your cousin and my interactions with him, he would seem the type to commit something like that."

Lucian mumbled a quiet, "Yeah," before beginning to heal the various scratches.

You could tell that he was still over-thinking the situation and worrying about not being able to protect you. He just needed to know that you could take care of yourself, though you supposed that the worry was valid, since you really had limited defenses against full-fledged mages. Would you be able to defend yourself if something were to happen when Lucian announced the council's treachery? There would be hundreds of mages around you and each could kill you easily. Getting more and more troubled with your thoughts, you didn't realize that Lucian had finished with your arms and was now going to work on your legs. Startled, you felt him pushing your left pant leg upwards.

"Now you're the one who is worrying, ____," Lucian stated with a smirk painted ever so lightly on his facial features.

"I guess that you're right, it's just that I'm worried about this announcement."

"Yes, I've been rethinking my plans for that. Instead of having you come with me, you're going to stay here. I can't have you being exposed to so many with magic at once."

"The danger is the source of my concern, but, at the same time, I feel that I should accompany you. Wouldn't it weaken your stance if one of the magic community's potential rulers was absent? Besides if something were to happen, I don't want to be left in the dark only to find that you're seriously injured or worse."

"And what if I force you to stay here?"

"I won't allow you to. Besides, you wouldn't want me trying to leave the mansion with this bracelet still on would you? Imagine the damage that I would cause to myself if I continually tried to escape."

"I would have to lock you in the cellar then."

Becoming frustrated, you crossed your arms across your chest and huffed, "Well then I ... Lucian look, just let me come with you. I want to stand by you; that's what you wanted, right? So don't leave me here."

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