Only Two in the Crowd

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Lucian and you followed the rest of the crowd into the ballroom. Entering the space, you examined your surroundings and were surprised at how dark the ballroom was. Nevertheless, the ballroom was beautiful. The walls were of a pale grey and had a light gold trim. These walls all met at an elliptical ceiling, which was of a crème color. Delicate painted details covered the ceiling, which were illuminated by the two greyish-gold chandeliers. Polished hazelnut brown tiles reflected the ceiling while simple candle wall fixtures highlighted the room further. Arched paned windows let in the pale evening light while there were multiple arched doors throughout the room. On the right side of the room was a grand piano with coloration matching the tiles. Several mahogany chairs were on the left side of the room in case one wished to sit.

Already the ballroom was filled with sorcerers and sorceresses. Lucian guided you through the crowd and to the front of the ballroom. Reaching the front, you saw several mages, who held themselves with power and authority. Assuming that these were other council members, you found yourself looking down, not wanting to meet their curious eyes, though you found yourself soon casting your gaze back upwards. In front of you, the ground started to shake and you were wondering what was going on. No one else in the room seemed concerned about the shaking ground. To your utter shock a part of the ground started to rise above the rest of the floor, forming a stage. On top of the stage stood a man with long bleached blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail. His brown eyes held the look of someone who had stood in power for the duration of their life. Even though he wore a simple black suit and golden tie, he seemed to be wearing one of most elegant outfits of the evening. A gold mask covered part of his face.

Silence swept over the room, as his voice spoke, "I welcome you all to the Venefici Ballatio this evening. I hope you all enjoy the dance that was started all in celebration for taking the Veneice family out of sole power. Now I believe we need some more light."

He snapped his fingers and suddenly the room's brightness grew in intensity. At first you had to block your eyes from the light. Slowly you opened them and saw that the room seemed to sparkle. People clapped throughout the room, as the man began to walk down the stage and over to where Lucian and you were standing. Everyone else in the room seemed to turn their attention back to their immediate company, as music began to sound in the room. You felt yourself tense, as the man, who was as tall Lucian, approached you. At first you thought he was going to address all of the council members, but they had already dispersed into the crowd. Thus the man stood before the two of you and you saw Lucian bow a little before standing back up.

"Ah, Lucian, so I see you brought a partner with you this year. How interesting. Is this the hybrid that the Luciels mentioned to me?"

"Regulus, surely you don't have to ask me a question that you already know the answer to."

You could tell that Lucian despised the man before the two of you and he looked less than pleased to talk to him, yet a false smile still graced his lips. As for the man called Regulus, who you presumed to be the head of the council, he wore a false smile as well, but his hatred for Lucian was evident. Regulus laughed a little at Lucian's answer, but the laugh was fake and filled with loathing. When Regulus's eyes met your (e/c) orbs, you almost wanted to shrink back, but you held your ground.

Still looking at you, Regulus replied, "Hmm, quite right Lucian," before addressing you, "You're quite a beauty for a half-sorceress. I do hope you enjoy the evening."

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