Pots and Pans

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  After flipping the switch on, you stood in confusion. You were expecting electrical lights. However, there were no such things in the kitchen. Instead it looked like you had walked into a kitchen from the medieval times with the light source coming from multiple fires in the room. The entirety of the kitchen was outlaid in stone with the stone ceiling forming arches at several points. A simple wooden rectangular table rested in the middle of the room while to the left side of the table was a fire, which heated a tea kettle. Three large clay jars along with firewood sat on the same side of the fire. Weaved baskets with cloth outlining the inside held what looked to be flour, potatoes and other various food items. Pots and pans decorated the ceiling and hung over tables of food, ranging from grapes to bread to various gourds. Something seemed to be cooking in the large pot that hung over the second fire.

Seeing the already cooking food, you wondered who had been in here previously and why they had shut off the lights if there was still food cooking? Walking over to the giant pot, you peered inside to see some sort of soup inside. Its smell reminded you of chocolate. Examining it further, you realized that it was chocolate. Though, why would someone being cooking a giant pot of chocolate? However, the smell made your mouth water a little and you soon found yourself grabbing a ladle from the nearby table. Ready to dip it into the chocolate, you felt something slap against your head hard. The impact caused you to drop the ladle while you winced in pain. Looking for the source, you saw a doll with long brown curly hair and red eyes. She wore a chef's outfit without the hat. In place of the hat, a white bow rested on the side of her head. In her hands was a broom, which was presumably the thing that had hit you on the head.

"You're not allowed to eat without the master's permission," she stated simply.

Now Lucian had restricted when you were going to eat? Sighing at this, you stared at the doll and saw that she was determined to keep you from the food. How had she even entered the room without you noticing? Though, your growling stomach distracted you from the question and you found yourself staring over at the table of food.

"He's currently sleeping. I'm sure he would allow me to eat something," you said, trying to convince the doll to let you eat something.

"You're not allowed anything."

'This is ridiculous' you thought to yourself. Your eyes quickly glanced at the green grapes. It would only take a second for you to grab a handful. Keeping your gaze locked on the doll, you inched towards the table slightly. She wouldn't try anything until you touched the food. Thus you needed a quick distraction.

"You know if you need his approval so much, why don't you go ask him?"

The doll seemed to consider your proposal and nodded her head. With the broom still in her hands, she walked out of the room. When she left, you were surprised at how well your plan had worked. She was convinced so easily. Smiling to yourself, you grabbed a grape and put it into your mouth. It was utterly delicious and you found yourself grabbing another after another from the bowl. After having eaten about twenty grapes, you saw out of the corner of your eye a broom coming towards your face. Ducking just in time, you saw that the doll had returned, but no Lucian was present.

"I thought you had gone to go ask for Lucian's approval," you stated, dodging another one of her attacks.

An Eternal Seal (Yandere Male x F. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now