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 A/N: I would recommend putting the video on loop since it's short.  

"So, you have an idea as to who is contacting me."

"Yes, however, I'm hoping that my idea is wrong," Lucian stated, his voice getting quieter at the end of his reply.

Seeing the dark look in his eyes worried you, but you decided to not question him on it. The last thing you needed was to trigger the angrier side of him. Thus as you began to ponder where you would be going, you found yourself drifting off back into sleep, since you were exhausted from that dream, however you tried to stay awake for you were concerned about experiencing another nightmare. Lucian noticed your closing eyelids and how you would quickly open them in response. He could tell that you were worried about experiencing the nightmares once more.

"My pet, if you wish to sleep you may do so. I'll place a barrier around your mind. I wasn't able to before because the individual was already in your mind, though now such a prevention does not exist."

Finding only the energy to nod, you found your eyelids closing. Sleep soon overcame you, causing you to gently rest your head against Lucian's chest. Lucian held you close, making sure to maintain the barrier on your mind while you slept. He would not let some sorcerer invade your dreams; he was angered by the fact that someone dare come so close to you. From now on, he would always put a barrier around your mind while you were unconscious. He would not mind losing sleep, so that he could protect you. Seeing the fear and sadness in your eyes, as you recounted the details of your dream, only made him more determined to watch over you. Thus he stroked your hair softly, staring down at you possessively. You were his pet and he wouldn't let anyone else have you.

When you awoke, you found yourself still in the arms of Lucian, who was still awake. Seeing that you were awake, he smiled down at you while the sun shone through the paned windows and the small windows at the top of the room. You noticed that Lucian now seemed rather tired himself.

"Lucian, did you not get any sleep?"

"Well I must stay awake in order to maintain the barrier, though I do not mind. Why are you concerned for me, my pet?" he questioned, as a smirk formed on his lips.

"No, but how do you plan to go anywhere when you seem quite tired?" you asked, as a slight blush formed on your cheeks.

Indeed you were concerned for him, but you couldn't admit it. One you were too embarrassed and two you didn't want to admit that a part of you was starting to like him. He stated back in the woods that his emotions were genuine and now staying up for you all night seemed to prove that.

"Oh, well if that's the case, I'll be fine. Getting confirmation on my theory and your safety is more important than my sleep. Now I suggest you get ready for our trip."

After stating this, he let you go, allowing you to go into the closet and pick out a change of clothes. Grabbing a pair of crimson red flats, a short v-neck black dress with a crimson red ribbon tied at the waist, and a pair of Capri length black leggings, you went into the bathroom and proceeded with your morning routine. You left your hair down. Once finished, you came out of the bathroom to see Lucian taking a tray from Nafera. The tray had two chocolate chip muffins and two bowls filled with blackberries and raspberries on it while a plain light purple teapot rested in the center with two matching tea cups. Nafera bowed and left the room, leaving Lucian to set the tray down on the table with the mirror. He noticed you and smiled before summoning the sofa that was in the room over to the table.

An Eternal Seal (Yandere Male x F. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now