My New Home

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As I said I'm covered in all black clothes from head to toe (pic above)  today is this day I get to meet my new stepbrother i'm nervous and scared about it we walked into the house

"Hi nice to meet you i'm Jeremy and this is my son Justin" he introduced himself  they held their hand's out "this is my daughter Alex she doesn't talk to anyone she will not shake your hand, she will not

talk to you, she will not hug you, trust you, or go anywhere with you" my mom explains "she doesn't talk to you" justin says "yep but that's it" she informs them  "well can i at least show you your room" justin asks i looked at my mom

"its okay baby he won't hurt you" she says i followed him upstairs and into my room "so this is your room" he says

3 months later

i got home from school crying I looked at Justin

"Hey Alex how was school wait are you crying" justin examines my face I feel bad for not talking to him but I'm scared "please talk to me whatever happened to you i won't hurt you i promise" he said

I took my jacket off and dropped my bag "what happened" he grabbed my wrist i winced in pain he let go "I'm sorry i i didn't mean to i'm sorry" he stuttered "my dad killed me inside, all guys scare me" i mumbled shaking

"i'm not gonna hurt you i'm If that's what you think not all guys are like that" he explained "i'm guarded and it would take a lot for me to trust you" i whispered my breath trembling with fear "okay I'll try" he informed  "please don't touch me" i was scared "sorry" he apologized

6 months later

I was wearing (pic above #1)

I'm slowly starting to trust justin i don't get nervous around him anymore i feel like he wouldn't hurt Me but I have to know for sure justin was wearing (pic above) "where is she" someone comes barging through the door into the house i immediately stood up in fear justin stood up my dad was standing there looking at me

"You're coming with me" he demanded "no" i snapped "NO YOU FUCKING SLUT JUST TOLD ME NO COME WITH ME" he screamed angry i was crying he slapped me across the face the pain was unbearable but not as

bad as some of the stuff he has done I moved his hand away as he was going to slap me again scared and alone nowhere to go

nowhere to hide me and him my hand whips across his face he yells in pain. I see 3 fresh starches on his face from my nails.

"WHOSE THIS YOUR BOYFRIEND" HE SCREAMED "DON'T TOUCH HIM LEAVE HIM ALONE PLEASE DON'T HURT HIM" I screamed "SHUT UP SLUTTY ASSHOLE" he spit in my face he slapped me again i winced in pain he punched justin "JUSTIN" I shru

"you ugly ass whore sticking up for your boyfriend" he snapped justin punched him back harder my dad went to the ground "DON'T TALK TO HER LIKE THAT SHE'S AMAZING AND BEAUTIFUL" justin screamed my dad got up and slapped me again

"DON'T TOUCH HER" justin screamed and punched him again my dad kicked justin in the balls before he went to the ground again justin screamed in pain the cops came and took him away i shut the door

and locked it and walked into the kitchen and got a bag of frozen peas and a penguin boo-boo buddy cold pack i walked into the family room justin was holding his personal area with one hand and

His nose with the other i sat down next to him and moved his hand that was on his penis away i gently placed the peas on it then put his hand on the peas i moved the hand that was on his nose away and put the boo-boo buddy On his nose and put his hand back i kissed his cheek

"Whats that for" he asked "you saved me you called me amazing and beautiful you took a kick in the penis for me i think you deserve a kiss on the cheek"

5 minutes later

he took the cold pack off his nose "what the hell is this" he swore "Ooo you swore shame on you" I scolded jokingly he chuckled  "its a boo-boo buddy it makes you feel better" i told him  he looked at me he put it on my cheek where my dad hit me multiple times "who was that" he held it there "my dad" i mumbled "that's your dad" he was shocked i nodded

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