Rape is a serious problem

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"I do drugs to take the pain away every time I look down i remember and i feel like dying everytime I remember that night" i confessed uneasily to him he wiped my tears

"you have to stop using, drugs aren't the answer i promise you please stop" "why no one cares about how I feel" i sobbed  he gently grabbed my hand "i care"  he confessed looking directly at me holding my hand

3 months later "um Alex can i talk to you" my mom says "yeah" i said "your father escaped from jail" she said  i looked at justin "its okay" he says "no....no its not....he's gonna come back and....hurt me again"

3 days later
Justin's pov

I got home from the studio at 5 my step-mom  and my dad get home around 6 depending on the day

I heard screaming from upstairs "get off me don't touch me leave me alone" then i heard someone else her dad i feared

"TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF NOW"  he demanded "no please stop"

  "take your clothes off" "no" she said "take them off" the guy said no answer from her "fine i'll take them off for you" the guy said "no stop get away" she said "HELP" she screamed i ran upstairs and into her room i was shocked and sick to my stomach she was completely naked   i screamed "GET OFF OF HER"

he was  on top of her he was saying "spread your legs" "no leave me alone" she said shaking and crying and screaming "SPREAD THEM NOW" he screamed "GET THE HELL  AWAY FROM HER BEFORE I BEAT THE HELL OUT OF YOU" i screamed

"aww your little boyfriend saving you" he said "HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND HE'S MY STEPBROTHER" she screamed i punch him again he kicked me in the balls again i groaned in pain  then he ran out of the room  "are you okay" i said "no" she sobbed

i took off my shirt and tossed it to her she put it on good thing it was black after she put it on i walked over to her and sat down next to her again "its gonna be okay"  "keep him away from me " she cried  "i will" i promised

Back to me I stood up and walked downstairs and into the kitchen i got the ice pack and walked upstairs and into my room and crawled in the bed with Justin i put the ice on his area and put his hand on it "i don't mean to be rude but can i be left alone" I asked him "sure" he said and walked out of the room i sat alone

For an hour then i walked into the bathroom and ran a bath and took Justin's shirt off  and threw it i waited

till the bath was half way through then stopped to i got in and soaked for an hour I took sharp the razor blade to my wrist I let let cuts gush blood the pain feels good I wiped my wrist with a towel then put a bandage on it to make it stop bleeding

Justin's pov

My step-mom and my dad just got home "what happened" my Step-mom says "he came" i said "who" she asked "he came he tried to rape her she told me he did before"

  i was sick to my stomach just talking about it "what did you do"  "i tried to stop him but when I got in her room she was completely naked and my heart sank i almost threw up at the sight of him on top of her he didn't rape her but I was sick to my stomach just thinking about it "  i responded

" where is she" she asked "upstairs she wanted to be alone" my voice shaking

Back to me

I got out of the water and drained the bathtub i changed into (pic above #1) and headed downstairs and into the family room i sat down on the oversized chair with my feet on the chair I didn't say anything

"Are you okay" justin was concerned i shrugged my shoulders "are you okay" i asked "i'm worried about you not me" he whispered  he came over and Sat down next to me "i wanna die" i was straight forward with him "what" he was shocked

"I wanna die he's destroying me" i repeated tears came down my face  "no stop" he responded

2 days later

Justin's pov

I was hiking in LA paparazzi were flashing there cameras in my face snapping pictures and videos of me of course

4 months later

Back to me 

I am starting to trust justin he's never hurt me and he also saw me naked  that one day he didn't really care 

We were in Miami on  summer vacation I still have the bruises from my dad
I was wearing (pic above #2)

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