Name calling

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It on my night stand "its my dad he's killing me inside" i cried

1 week later Justin's pov
I went to the unknown number on alex's phone i looked at the texts "you Idiot" i scrolled down "your a Stupid ass Cunt" i read then scrolled down "Go sit in the corner where you belong you dunce,

" you're a Crazy ass Bitch, Psycho, Whore, Slut, and a Heartless Ho," i scrolled down "Worthless and Lazy" "Glad I threw you out with the thrash, your the reason your mom and I split up"

I read i almost threw up

"stuff your feelings inside. "You're a screw up. "Stop being a drama queen!" “Stop crying – we both know you’re faking it to get your way!” i read out loud i scrolled down

When i beat the living hell out of you you deserved it, slitting your throat then telling the abundance that you  tried to commit suicide was a good one

Remember when I when I" i couldnt finish it "When I what justin" my dad said

"Remember when I pushed my cock so far into you that you cough up blood that was a good day" i stood up and ran into the bathroom and threw up in the toliet twice and then twice more than flushed then stood up and walked over to the sink i washed my face then went out 

you're a , tramp, nobody, dumb ass piece of shit, good for only sex, go back to the hell hole you came from, your a worthless piece of shit i wish you were dead

"life would be better without you" i read then scrolled down you derevse to rot in hell your a fucking slut who wants to fuck your stepbrother" i read

"l justin hates you i hate you your  mom hates you why do you think justin had sex with someone else instead of you and with you in the next room" i read then scrolled down

"you need to get" i couldn't even finish what I was reading "justin to get what" my dad said "you need to get your nasty ass viginia away from him" i read

i ran into the bathroom and threw up in the toliet twice and then flushed and stood up and walked over to the sink i washed my face then went out i put her phone in my back pocket

"so what do we do" "i don't know kill him" he said

4 days later
Justin's prov still
She was wearing (pic above)  The doctors told us to keep an eye on her i was in the family room and i felt like something was wrong i ran into her room and opened the closet and she was hanging from my belt

i ran and got a knife i cut the belt and laid her on the ground i started performing cpr once I performed all the steps she woke up and let out a big breath i called 911 they came and put her on the gurney

They carried her into the back of ambulance I got in they shut the door and drove to the hospital when we got there they took her to a room and laid her on the bed and the doctor hooked her up to 2 different

machines to keep her stable i called my dad and stepmom  they came from lunch we deleted all her social media accounts

and blocked and deleted the unknown number but kept the texts we went to the police and reported harassment

2 weeks later back to me my dad snuck in the house and duct taped my mouth and took me away i'm 17 now and justin is almost 18

Justin's pov "we have to find her i will not stop unless you find my sister" i screamed at the police

2 weeks later "they found her" my Step-mom comes running into the house "alive" i asked "yes but he beat her so she looks different" she said "i don't care about that I just miss her"  i confessed

2 days later Back to me I was brought home with bruises all over my body is ran into the house  "alex" justin said crying "justin" i wrapped my arms around his neck he wrapped his arms around my

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