Missing Justin

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"do you have captain crunch" he asked i grabbed the box "always" i told him he smiled i poured some into the bowl and pour some milk and got him a spoon i set the bowlnon the table where he was sitting and i handed the spoon to him I fed princess

Justin's pov I finished my cereal and put the bowl in the sink

Back to me I gave justin the tour of my apartment i took a shower and changed into (pic above) i put my contacts in and did my hair  then walked out of the bathroom Justin was sleeping in my bed on his stomach I smiled and  crawled into bed with him I laid on Top of him and wrapped my arms around his waist and fell asleep

One hour later

Justin's pov I woke up in bed and felt someone on top of me i knew it was Alex i smiled at her she woke up and got off of me we walked into the living area and sat down on the couch and watched a movie

Back to me
I looked on my phone on instagram "justin bieber is missing it's 1 pm here in California and no one knows where he is" i read "i know where he is" i smirked he smiled

I read some of the comments

Justin better give us a hint to where he is

Maybe he's with Alex isn't she in Paris doing a movie

1 hour later

Justin And I were watching a movie he leaned in and kissed me passionately then deepened the kiss then pulled away "I'm sorry" he apologized I smiled and kissed me passionately back

then deepened the kiss then licked his bottom lip for entrance he excepted and opened his mouth I moved my tongue around his mouth we made out for awhile

I was now in his lap still kissing him my arms were wrapped around his neck he picked me up I wrapped my legs around his waist without breaking the kiss he carried me into the guest room and shut the door

locked it and laid me down on the bed hovering over me I pulled his shirt off and threw it he pulled my shirt off and threw it he slid my leggings down and threw them we continued to kiss I unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down

He played with the clasp on the back of my bra he pulled away  and looked at me "can I" he breathed I nodded he unclasp my bra and threw it he started kissing my neck  gently sucking on it

then I moaned he let go I grabbed his neck and started kissing it I sucked on it for a while then pulled away we started making out again then

  he played with the lace on my thong then looked at me for permission I nodded he slid my underwear down and threw them I slid his boxers down

He put his dick at my entrance "ready" I nodded he went in slowly I winced in pain

"sorry do you want me to stop" he asked "no keep going" I told him he pulled out and went in again at the same pace I started to relax  he pulled out and went in at the same pace a couple times

"go faster" I told him he pulled out and went in again but a little faster he did it again I moaned

He pulled out and went in again but faster "faster" I moaned he trusted faster

he pulled out and went in again at this point it was all pleasure i relaxed and let him be in control "faster" i whispered he went faster

"More" i said he went faster and  deeper "faster" he went even faster

at this time we were both dripping sweat and he went faster and harder "fuck Justin" i moaned he went even more he was going faster

....1 hour later.....

He was thrusting faster and faster hitting my g-spot every time "fuck Justin" i bit my lip he hit my g-spot again

"oh god Justin" i moaned "ugh baby" he groaned "go faster " i demanded


he went faster and faster he was grunting going faster and he hit my g-spot every time I couldn't help but scream "JUUSSTTIIN" i screamed accidentally

he went faster and faster until we both reached our climax and released ourselves he pulled out and calasped on me and we were both breathing heavily

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