Austin Mahone

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Love will remember" i sang walking around and looking around holding people's hands the song is over I turned around and walked off stage

Justin's pov

"I told you it's my jersey" i tocld my dad

Back to me
I walked into my dressing room and took off the rhinestones and the hair extensions i put them nicely and neatly in my makeup box i took off all my makeup then i took everything off I jumped into the shower and washed everything and shaved under my arms and legs and down there. I got out and changed into (pic above) i took my contacts out and put my glasses on and put my hair into a Ponytail and walked out of the bathroom scooter was standing there

"Alex i have someone here who wants to meet you" he told me I was confused but then Austin Mahone came through the door wearing (pic above) i almost died i gasped he laughed i hugged him tight I let go "hi how are you" he asked "im like dying right now" i couldnt stop smiling i blushed "so you did amazing on stage tonight I could hear the emotion in your voice" he told me "you were watching" i asked him "yeah.....with Justin" he confessed "oh"


We walked onto my tour bus "mom" i cheered she smiled i hugged her "you did well tonight" she told me "thank you" i smiled i hugged Jeremy "where's justin" i hesitated "he's on the dancers bus he figured you didn't want to see him but he came to support you" she confessed

"he feels horrible he said you deserve better and he couldn't give you better" Austin tells me "no offense Austin but why did you come" i asked "scooter called my manager and asked if I would meet you because you're a fan of mine but also a replacement to open for you" he confessed

"Wait your gonna open for me" i asked shocked he laughed and nodded "and i was working on something and I want to collaborate with you" he asked me "I'd love to" I told him he smiled

3 weeks later were in Cincinnati Oh i have a show tonight

Austin and I are working on a new song together i really like him like it could be more than just a friend but I don't want to hurt justin i still love him


"Alex are you listening" Austin ask i snapped out of it "yeah" i told him "what did I say" he asked i didn't say anything "i asked you to if you wanted to go out with me" he confessed "look you are a nice guy but your friends with Justin" I told him "I asked justin we are friends and I wouldn't do anything to affect our friendship so I asked him if it would be okay" he confessed "and he said yes" i asked "he said if I can't have her than I want you to treat her like a princess" he told me I smiled "then yes I'll go out with you" i told him he smiled "tomorrow night we will be in Cleveland you don't have a show so can we go then" he asked i nodded he smiled

I was backstage wearing (pic above) i was sitting on the heart shaped bed criss-cross apple sauce my dancers pushed the bed on stage then the music to nightingale started i started singing

" I can't sleep tonight
Wide awake and so confused
Everything's in line
But I am bruised
I need a voice to echo
I need a light to take me home
I kinda need a hero
Is it you?

I never see the forest for the trees
I could really use your melody
Baby I'm a little blind
I think it's time for you to find me

Can you be my nightingale?


Next morning I woke up to talking i put my glasses on and walked out of the room austin and miley were talking "Miley what are you doing here" she hugged me "i missed you" i told her "i missed you too" she said "good morning" Austin tells me I smiled

"good morning" i told him he smiled miley grabbed my arm and dragged me to the bedroom "what's going on with you and austin" she asked "i don't know i like him but I don't know because he

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