plane ride

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"So vacation" he asked
"I'd love to when you finish tour"

1 week later

I finished the tour i made 70 million dollars on that tour alone and I made my own makeup line and line of merchandise and I'm going on vacation with Justin tomorrow i just finished packing

"Babe what do you want to do now" he asked "I don't know" i told him "I have any idea" he smirked "no dream on buddy" i told him he smiled and kissed me passionately then deepened the kiss then pulled away "ugh I love you to much  baby" I told him he smiled

1 am next morning "babe get up" someone shook me  i groaned "babe" he disagreed "your baby's tired" i groaned "babe get up now" he demanded i looked at him and put my glasses on and stood up and then tiredly

  walked into the bathroom and shut the door i used the bathroom then wiped and stood up and flushed and pulled my underwear and pants up then washed my hands then went back out to Justin i changed into (pic above) justin was wearing pic above) then looked at justin

"Here now let's go" he handed him a blanket with you his face on it I snuggled into it "um are you forgetting something" i asked he looked at me confused "what" he snapped my heart sank "babe where's my kiss" i asked him "oh my bad sorry" he kissed me passionately then deepened

the kiss then pulled away k got his bookbag with stuff in it and put it on my shoulders I plugged my earbuds in the headphone jack  justin grabbed my hand and we walked downstairs and the driver

drove us to the air port where security was waiting for us he took our luggage then justin and i got out i had my earbuds in my ears justin grabbed my hand i put my hood on and looked down

Justin's pov

The paparazzi were flashing there cameras in my face alex kept her face down i pulled her to the steps of the plane i walked on the plane with her and security behind me she laid down in a chair and my security guards laid down in different chairs and they all went to sleep

4 hours later

I got bored and I was drinking water i stood up and started dribbling water on my security guards everyone was up except alex i was hovering over her while they were video taping "should I do it should i" i smiled "yeah if you want to sleep outside tonight" one of my guys says "yeah you'll learn the hard way" Kenny Hamilton says "oh god I'm scared" i said


I thought about it for a while then i poured a little bit of water on her ear she woke up i ran "Justin what the fuck" she snapped "oh shit" i smiled she ran after me "What the hell is wrong with you i was sleeping and you think it's okay to pour water on me" she snapped

she was not happy with me "i'm gonna kill you" she snapped  she stood up and ran to me I just looked at her i was smiling "please don't kill me it was a joke" i was scared "i don't care if it was a joke"  she said we told you" Mikey said "i hope you like the couch" she told me "seriously, your seriously gonna make me sleep on the couch" i asked "actually i hope you like the grass" she smiled at me but it was an angry smile

"Oh come on babe it was a joke i did it to them" i tried to explain "but do they determine whether you have sex tonight or not" she acknowledged i stopped smiling "the answer is no by the way and

the next time you pour water on my ear i will cut off your dick and feed it to alligators" she snapped "alligators" my voice croaked "alligators" she snapped and turned around my eyes widened "we told you" they say in unison "she'll forgive me....i hope" i said

Back to me I went back to sleep

2 hours later

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