Sick or something else

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He started kissing my neck I moaned he pulled the covers on us and we went to sleep

1 hour later I woke up in bed with Justin I smiled at him I stood up and walked over to his underwear I put them on Justin took a picture and put it on my instagram with the caption 💜 then we took a shower and washed everything then got out and dried off and dried our hair "babe shave your mustache" i told him he smiled i handed him a pink razor

he shaved his faceual hair "babe I'm bored can i make you over" i asked him "sure" he said i smiled we walked out of the bathroom i grabbed his underwear and his butterfly hoodie and matching pants then walked into my bedroom i put my bra and his underwear on then put the outfit on (pic above) i got my makeup box with everything in it  and walked back out to Justin

i turned the light on and we sat down on the couch "okay so please tell me your not going to wax anywhere on my body" he told me "maybe your eye brows" i told him he rolled his eyes i put the wax on a part of his eyebrows and waxed them he screamed in pain "sorry" i told him I plucked his nose hairs with the nose hair trimmer and I put proactive on his face i filed his nails he let me paint them pink i washed his face outlined his eyebrows "beautiful" i told him he smiled and kissed me passionately

"My turn" i said and put the wax paper on my upper lip then waited then I told justin to rip it off he did I screamed i did the same thing for my eyebrows then i put the stuff away justin took a picture of me outside in his butterfly pants and my new blonde hair i put it on my instagram with no caption justin liked and commented "you stole my pants" i smiled and commented @justinbieber they look better on me 

3 days later

Justin left today at 1 am in the morning but I stole some of his stuff  i posted a dark picture of Justin that you can't really tell it's him on instagram with the caption miss you already i walked into the bathroom and shut the door I pulled my underwear and shorts off and noticed discharge in my underwear ew i changed my underwear and put a panty liner on

Justin's pov

I managed to get on the plane without getting noticed and i landed and went back to my house without getting noticed people didn't see me for four days i think they were assuming I was dead or something then i went out in (pic above) and surprised some of them and took pictures with them

Back to me I just found out Jeremy and my mom are getting a divorce they had affairs and now my mom went to live with grandma and jeremy went back to Canada

2 weeks later the divorce is final and I'm throwing up don't feel good kendall Kylie tyga and miley are all here with me im wearing (pic above #2)

"Dude whats wrong with you" Kylie questioned "i don't know like all of the sudden I can't the smell of coffee, pizza, chicken even donuts make me sick like all I want are fruits and vegetables and yogurt" i explained to them "that's weird" kendall says

"yeah i have a fever and I'm bloated and my boobs hurt and I have discharge" i explained to them "tmi" tyga says "is it your period" Miley asked i shook my head "sounds to me like bieber hit a home run" tyga says i looked at him confused "no, no, no what do you mean by home run?" I asked "you think he scored a goal" kendall asked

  "um wasn't he here like 2 weeks ago" he asked "2 weeks and 3 days" i told him "so didn't you guys have sex three days before he left" he asked "yeah but how do you know" i asked "he told me so anyways I know that 3 days after you have sex conception takes place and you get discharge" he said he explained

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