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"Then you can fill in the rest" he told me "then Nausea could be morning sickness, high temperature i don't know and smell i don't know....then a missed period" i told them I stood up and

got my mini calendar with Justin on it I turned to this month then also went to the app on my phone they both said 1 week late my heart sank "i'm late" tears came down my face "justin has this calendar to" I cried "wait he keeps track of your monthly" Miley asked i nodded i tried to remember the day we did it "he forgot the condom" i gasped "before you jump to conclusions go to the doctor and talk to Justin" Kylie says

"No i don't want to talk to him I can't" i told them "you have to its his baby" kendall says "I'm not even sure there is a baby pregnant how can I be pregnant I'm 21" I denied my phone started

ringing it was Justin "speaking of little kids it's Justin the cause of all this " I snapped and answered it via facetime "hi Justin" I said "oh no what did I do" he asked you got me pregnant

dumbass "nothing" I lied I looked at Kendall she shook her head I looked at the phone "actually I think we should talk about when you were here" I told him I walked into my bedroom and shut the door and sat down on the bed

"Why whats wrong" he asked "when you were here and we had sex did you use a condom" I hesitated "oh shit no I didn't I forgot" he swore the tears came down my face

"we both forgot" I told him "Alex your not" he asked "I'm late" I whispered scared "I'm coming" he told me and stood up and packed his bag and grabbed Esther and got on a private jet to Paris

3 am next day

Justin's pov I landed in Paris and went to Alex's apartment I knocked on her door 5 minutes later Kendall answers it and lets me in then shuts the door then looks at me "she's on the couch" she told me then walked into her room I set Esther down

I took everything off except my underwear then carefully picked her up and laid down with her on top of me I covered us with the blanket and went to sleep

8:30 back to me I am wearing (pic above)

I woke up on the couch alone i smelled coffee i stood up and ran into the bathroom and threw up twice in the toilet then twice more than stood up and flushed and washed my face then walked out I went back to the couch and put my glasses on "good morning" justin says from the kitchen table

"good morning" i walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck he wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me gently then let go "kendall handed me the pregnancy tests

"do you want me to be with you" he asked i shook my head he was hurt I pulled kendall into my room and then my bathroom i took the pregnancy tests and then finished going to the bathroom and stood up and flushed and pulled my underwear and shorts up and put the tests on a rag we waited

5 minutes later
"I think it's ready" Kendall says "you look" i told kendall
"I'm scared" i told her "you should be because according to this you're pregnant" kendall said "JUSTIN DREW BIEBER I'M GOING TO MURDER YOU" I screamed i broke down in tears i threw up in the toilet twice then I puked twice more as kendall held my hair back i puked twice more

i flushed and stood up and walked over to the sink i washed my face then walked out of the bathroom i walked out of the bedroom to Justin and the rest of the gang "okay i would still go to the doctor to confirm but your pregnant" Miley asked hugged her and cried into her shoulder i wiped my tears and looked at justin "this is all your fault" i snapped and walked into my bedroom and slammed the door

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