Scene 4&5

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In bed wearing (pic above) texting Brandon aka justin

Me: mom ain't home come over

Justin: on a Saturday night? At 11?

Me: yes fuck Boi

Justin: I ain't a fuckboi

Me: just come over


He came upstairs  and into my room shut the door and locked it he crawled into bed with me i crawled on top of him "i want you" i whispered "huh" he asked "I want you" i kissed him pasionately then deepened the kiss then licked his bottom lip for entrance he gladly excepted and opened his mouth I moved to a tongue around his mouth I was on top of him now he flipped us over

He was now  hovered over me he started kissing me again he deepened the kiss then licked my bottom lip for entrance I gladly excepted and opened my mouth he moved his tongue around my mouth we made out

for a while then he reached for my shirt i let him take it off he pulled it off my body and threw it he started kissing me he deepened the kiss then licked my bottom lip for entrance I gladly excepted and opened my mouth he moved his tongue around my mouth we made out for ten minutes then pulled away for air he unbuttoned my jeans and slid them down and threw them then pulled my underwear down (not really) and threw them but it was a different pair he took my bra off and threw it

I pulled his shirt off and threw it i unbuttoned his jeans and took them off and i faked sliding his underwear down we pulled the covers over us i fake gulped i acted like I took them off and threw them but it was a different pair that were under there i fake stared at his length he noticed what i was looking at "relax" he said i looked at him "be careful" i said "i will" he said and kissed my neck he started sucking on it then he bit it then let go i did the same thing until there was a mark (not really)

"i'm scared Justin" i said acting like I was scared "its okay baby ill be gentle"he said i looked at him i took a deep breath then said "okay" we pulled the covers all the way over us and made out under them for a few seconds then the director says "cut" Brandon got off me and tossed me my shirt i put it on under the covers and stood up

"that was perfect run it again" she said i put my jeans back on and buttoned them we ran the scene 5 more times than we went home

Scene five

2 weeks later  its friday night and I feel sick to my stomach I'm watching Brandon play basketball in this scene it was half time show i wasn't feeling well I ran into the bathroom and threw up twice in the toilet then twice more i flushed abd stood up and walked over the mirror i looked in it then turned around and slid down the wall crying

than my friend comes in i was crying she kneeled down in front of  me "what's wrong with you" she asked

"did something happen between you and Justin" she asked the tears came down my face "i think I'm pregnant" i confessed to her she was shocked "why do you think your pregnant" she whispered pregnant "i'm late" I confessed whispering  "well what did justin say" she asked "are you nuts i can't tell him it will ruin him" I snapped we stood up "do not tell him got it" I told her "yeah yeah whatever" she told me I washed my face then we walked out we went back to the game Justin won the game then we went home

"Cut" she said the scene stopped

Scene 5 Saturday night

Brandon/Justin's pov

I was hanging out with my friends Marcus and Zach

When lacey comes over I let her in "look I don't know what you're fuckin plan was but you better fix it....did you use a fucking condom when you fucked Amelia" she snapped "that's what we forgot oh shit" i started freaking out " she told me not to tell you but I had to" she told me "she's pregnant" tears came down my face "she doesn't know i got a text from Amelia i have to tell you something

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