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"Alex there's 2 guys here they say they know you" the lady tells me "send them in" i told her I was confused  the door opened it was Justin and alfredo "jay" i gasp running to him and wrapped my arms around his neck he wrapped his arms around my waist

and picked me up i wrapped my legs around his waist he put his arms under my butt so I wouldn't fall  and kissed him passionately then deepened the kiss then pulled away "i missed you" he cried

"babe your crying" i acknowledged "i can't help it" he cried i wiped his tears and kissed him again then pulled away He put me down "hi fredo" i hugged him then hugged justin again "what are you doing here" i asked "well i have a show tomorrow night and I wanted to surprise my girlfriend" he explained to me "lets get out of here" i demanded we left and went to lunch then we went to the house

"Babe i don't mean to push you but are you.....never mind I'll stop" he was gonna say something but then stopped "babe Tell me?" i warned "its just I wanna never mind" he repeated "babe what's wrong" i asked him "i wanna make love to you" he whispered in my ear i looked at him

"justin" "oh no you're mad at me" he interrupted i kissed him passionately then deepened the kiss then licked his bottom lip for entrance he excepted and opened his mouth i moved my tongue around his mouth we made out for five minutes i was now in his lap kissing him

"eww no gross i leave the room for five minutes and y'all are gettin nasty" fredo groans i pulled away and glared at him  "um babe i'm horny as fuck if we're not going to do anything don't tease me"  justin groans

"i'm not teasing you" i confessed "waited really are you serious were really gonna make love" he cheered i giggled and bit my lip "wait you guys have been dating for like 5 months and you haven't had sex yet"

alfredo acknowledged "you didn't tell him" i looked back at justin "No i didn't think you wanted me to" he confessed "well now the whole world knows"  i Informed him "knows what" alfredo was confused

"she was raped that's why we didn't have sex right away" justin explained to him "are you sure you're ready i mean you couldn't even get dressed in front of me" he was concerned about me "I mean i am wearing just my bra" i told him  i got off his lap and grabbed his hand and pulled him upstairs and into my room

"wait now" he asked "no i wanna show you i'm comfortable getting dressed in front of you and with you in just your underwear so here's something I never thought I would have to say I need you to take off your pants" i explained to him

He pulled his pants down and threw them and took off his shirt "holy shit" i mumbled "you like it" he said i nodded he smiled and wrapped his arms around my neck "Your turn" he whispered i took off my shirt and tossed it and took my shoes off and victorias boyfriend pants "see i'm comfortable with this now the hard part" i told him "tell me to stop and I'll stop okay" he comforts

We put our clothes back on and went back downstairs i sat down in his lap "so tonight justin you wanna go to a club" fredo asks "um no were gonna be busy gettin busy" i whispered my head resting on Justin's chest "gross"  fredo says i kissed justins neck "You told ellen that you were dating but it wasn't me" justin looks at me

"Yeah are you mad" i asked "no but now they're gonna wonder who it is" he told me "tell them it's me i mean if they ask" alfredo says i looked at him confused "why" I asked "because they won't suspect anything if 

you tell them it's me because I always hang out with you and justin both so they won't wonder" he explained I looked at Justin "i'm down but you touch my girl I'll punch you" justin agreed i giggled


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