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we landed in Miami we went to our penthouse suite and settled in and relaxed justin started kissing me he deepened the kiss then licked my bottom lip for entrance I gladly excepted and opened my mouth he moved his tongue around my mouth we made out for

ten minutes now i was laying on the couch he was hovering over me kissing me  there was a knock on the door Justin pulled away i groaned he got off me and answered it

It was Jaxon and jazzy my little step sister and brother there Jeremy's kids from before he met my mom my mom is at home with Emma i walked over to them annoyed "nice to see you too" Jeremy says "sorry we were kinda busy" i was mad "oh ewww gross" he looks at us

I saw jaxon   "Jaxon" I

cheered  he ran to me and wrapped his little arms around me I picked him up "there's my favorite little man life is complete" I hugged him he kissed my cheek "hey jaxon she's mine" justin says "mine" Jaxon agrues i giggled

"This is Taylor the nanny" Jeremy introduced the girl "hey" she flirts with justin

I rolled my eyes  "hey we should go swimming" she says


It was now ten o'clock at night I was wearing (pic above)

Justin's pov

I finished the movie  then looked down at her she was moving around a lot in her sleep rubbing against jerry oh god should I wake her up i thought to myself

"Justin" she moaned in her sleep i blushed looking at her she was still moving i got a little turned on i started to rise oh no

10 minutes later
By this time I was so turned on i couldnt take it anymore I slowly took her off of me and stood up and set her head gently on the couch then i ran upstairs and into her room and shut the door and locked it

I laid down on her bed with my head propped up against her pillows  i pulled my pants and underwear down to my ankles  i took jerry in my hand and closed my eyes i spread,my legs and bent my legs i started playing with myself i did that for a while moaning her name over and over again then i started

moving my hand up and down thinking about her "oh baby" i moaned moving my hand up and down faster and faster

"ugh" i groaned moved my hand faster and fastet i did that until i was almost to my climax "OH GOD ugh fuck " i screamed oh shit i rubbed faster and faster moaning and groaning

Back to me
I woke up on the couch and tiredly stood up with my soft blanket wrapped around me i realized justin wasn't there "justin" i yawned and slowly opened my eyes i looked around for him nope then i walked out of the room and slowly walked upstairs i heard

  moans and groans coming from the room i prepared myself for the worst but then I heard my name  he is not doing anything right he's not doing what I think he's doing i heard my name again few times  "Oh god fuck babe that's it right there ugh" i heard him groan i knocked on the door no answer i slowly opened the door and walked into the most disturbing thing ever justin was masterbating

"Justin" i was confused he opened his eyes his face turned so red i felt so bad for him   and he took his hand off his penis "i can ex..." He stopped himself because he knew there was no getting out of it "what are you doing" i asked "um i-i-im sorry" he stuttered "just finished what you were doing so i can go to sleep" i said and walked out of the room i shut the door behind me

Justin's prov

I continued what I was doing then eventually  i reach my climax and released myself all over the bed i let go and laid flat on the bed i was breathing heavily once my heart rate was back to normal i stood up and took the sheets off and put new ones on i put new underwear on then laid down on the bed

Back to me I crawled into  the bed with him "are you mad at me" he asked "why would I be mad" i asked him "because i" i interrupted by kissing him passionately then deepened the kiss then pulled away "you owe me tomorrow" i told him he smiled and we went to sleep

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