Back together

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Right now i am wearing (pic above #1) i couldnt sleep it is like 12 am justin is on tour  i miss justin ok i want us back i called justin via face time he answered "hey alex" he says "hey I'm surprised your up i can't sleep" i told him

"oh sorry play a song off of purpose that might help" he informed me "Justin come back to be-" he hung up that was a girls voice i started crying i cried my self to sleep

1 month later
I'm on air with Ryan Seacrest talking about my new album wearing  (pic above #2) "so in the studio today we have the one and only Alex Stone Alex how are you" he asked "I'm good I'm better then I was i am in a point in my life where I'm happy" I told him

"so I know this might not be a good idea but tell us the Story behind this album does it having anything to do with this guy" he showed me Justin's picture

I smiled "woah this picture is inspiration it self" i told him and took the picture away from him I looked at it "yeah......damn i could look at this all day" i told them they smiled

"But anyways yeah alot of my inspiration comes from him I write constantly about us and him there are things that remind me of him still like when I went jet skiing like it hurt because my first experience jet skiing was with Justin but like love will remember was

written because that was the last thing I said to him" I explained

"so um I want to play you something that he said when he was here this is a

recording of the last time he was here"  he tells me "okay" I said they played it "so Justin Alex Stone what do you think you better say something good" Ryan says "she's amazing I love her and she's my best friend" he says in the video "good answer" Ryan says I blushed the thing ended I hid my face "she's blushing" the Girl informs

"I love him oh my god he's so cute" I blushed "i think there always be love there you can't forget about him" she told me  "he was my first love of course I will always love him and defend him were still friends we still talk"

2 months later

Justin keeps trying to call me non stop i won't answer i was working late at a charity thing signing autographs and stuff it was ten and I just got home i walked into the house and shut the door it was a room full of roses i started crying i read the card

"i'm sorry about the phone thing yeah I had a girl on my tour bus yes i'm a hoe okay i was being stupid but your the only girl i love you your the only girl for me you are amazing and I broke you and I'm sorry i will always love you so if you're reading this i'm upstairs, love justin" i read i smiled

I ran upstairs and into my room and shut the door he was sitting on the bed i ran into his arms and jumped on him and kissed him passionately then deepened the kiss he wrapped his arms around my waist i wrapped my arms around his neck i pulled away

"i missed you so much I'll never hurt you again will you take me back" he asked me "i don't know should I give you another chance" i joked his mouth dropped open "don't do this" he told me "I wanna keep it just between you and me i don't want anyone involved i don't want media involved or fans involved just us" i whispered "okay done" he told me

One week later

Justin kendall Kylie tyga selena and me were at my house handing out i went on snapchat and made a video "so I'm here with my family first we have my beautiful girlfriend selena gomez" i filmed her "in your dreams" she smiled "every night" i laughed she laughed "then we have kendall" i filmed her

"then we have Kyga the cutest couple ever" i told them tyga flipped me off i gasped he laughed "then we have this guy" I filmed justin "this guy has a name" justin says "yeah mah bever" i said he smiled

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