Jalex Reunite

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Back to me

The song was over i sang another song i walked back stage and changed into (pic above) then walked out on stage

"So um i dont know what to say people will destroy you that's all people do to me  there's this guy and he is amazing and if he's here i want him to know  i uh i just want you to know i love you and i always will whenever you need me I'll be there

No matter what even if your new girl is texting me stuff i barely understand i would still be there for you but anyways this next song us called goodbye *miley cyrus*" i explained hoping that justin was in the audience the music started i started singing

"I can honestly say you've been on my mind
Since I woke up today, up today
I look at your photograph all the time
These memories come back to life
And I don't mind" i sang

Justin's pov

"Dude hailey Made her cut she was trying to tell me a message by her speech we have to stay after the show" i told Ryan


The show was over

Back to me I walked into my dressing room and shut the door and locked it i walked into the bathroom and shut the door took the bandage and bandaid off

And i jumped into the shower and washed everything and shaved under my arms down there and my legs then got out and dried off and dried my hair then changed put my robe on then put a new band-aid

and bandage on and put tape around in there i was taking my makeup off and took my contacts out and put my glasses i walked out of the bathroom there  was a knock on my door

I wrapped the robe and tied it tight then opened the door It was justin and ryan "Justin what are you doing here" i asked him confused "its Hailey is in it" he said i let them in they walked into the room i shut the door they sat down on the couch

I went on my phone and went to haileys texts i gave him my phone he read the texts

Justin's pov
t "STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM JUSTIN HE'S MINE NOW" unknown number hailey i started crying "Justin doesn't love you he never did your a Stupid ass Cunt if you think he likes you" i read to myself then scrolled down

" you're a Crazy ass Bitch, Psycho, Whore, Slut, and a Heartless Ho," i scrolled down

I read more then i got to the last ones

"you need to get your nasty ass viginia away from Justin why would justin fuck you he would rather fuck himself then a hoe like yo you no one wants your pussy justin had it he told me it's not that tasty" i  read i was sick to my stomach

I turned her phone off "i think I'm gonna be sick" i ran into the bathroom and threw up  twice and then twice more than flushed and stood up and walked over to the sink i washed my face then went out i gave her, her phone back

"You alright man you don't look so good " Ryan asks me

Back to me

"no i'm not okay i don't feel good" Justin confesses "um i dont mean to interrupt but why are you here" i asked him "i wanna get back together i miss you and I'm sorry" he stuttered "what about hailey" i mumbled shaking "hailey i broke up with her" she confessed "no i mean the messages" i told him

"Just give me a second chance please" he begged "I can't" i blurted out he just looked at me

7 months later I'm almost done with tour it's been 7 months since I saw Justin we talk sometimes I call him when I can't sleep i'm 19 it's January 2015 now justin is 20 today is the day we reunite i live by myself in California in a beautiful house my mom had a baby she's 2 months old i get to meet her, her name is Emma bieber

I'm going over there now I'm wearing (pic above)


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