Birthday Party

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"have fun on your date" justin says I smiled Justin looks at Austin "treat her like a princess" he told austin i smiled "and bring her home no later than ten got it" Justin says "yeah okay were leaving" Austin tells him

At the restaurant
We arrived at the restaurant austin and I got out of the car with security paparazzi surrounded us i was looking down hiding my face austin grabbed my arm and gently pulled me into the building away from fans and paparazzi

"table for two" Austin tells the guy "right this way" the guy tells us we followed him he brought us to a table  we sat down across from each other We ordered our drinks then Austin ordered the same thing for both of us i texted justin love will remember then i turned my phone off


We just got our food we took our first bites "this is good" i told him i chewed and swallowed then looked up at him he was just staring at me" "are you gonna talk to me or are you just gonna stare at me" i asked him

"Sorry you look beautiful, I'm just nervous" he confessed "look I just...want you to know that I don't trust very many people and when I do they disappoint me and if it makes you feel better the guy I trust more than anything set you to me" I explained to him

2 hours later its almost ten when arrived back at the buses at ten i walked onto my tour bus and austin walked onto his justin was sitting on the couch looking at me "why did you send me this" he asks "listen to the song look at the lyrics they'll tell you what you want to hear"  i told him and walked away i walked into my bedroom and pressed the close button i changed into something comfortable and went to sleep

Next day I went with austin and miley to get the tattoos I've been wanting to get i got two hearts and Somewhere in forever we'll dance again on my forearm for justin i got music notes tattooed behind my ear i got love shouldn't hurt tattoo on my back because of my dad and I got an m on my hand for miley after they were done i paid we left and ate

9 PM

We arrived at my party i am wearing pic above its Paris themed everyone started arriving justin arrived "happy birthday" he hugged me i wrapped my arms around his neck then we let go "thank you" i told him he set my gift on the gift table i greeted everyone else that arrived except selena didn't come "selena isn't coming is she" i asked miley

"who says" a familiar voice said i looked at the person it was selena its been over a year woah i hugged her "i'm sorry" i hugged her even tighter "no i'm sorry i should of stopped him " selena tells me

1 hour later

We have been dancing and laughing and talking for an hour then sitting down talking to miley i looked over at justin "you miss him don't you" Miley asked i looked at her and nodded "i always thought it would be me and him in the end, I miss him but I can't go back I'll get hurt again i still trust him but not as my boyfriend i forgave him but that doesn't mean I forgot what he did" i explained

to her "what did you want" she asked "i wanted him to fight for he did before" i told her justin walked over to us "will you dance with me" he asked holding his hand out i stood up and put my hand on his he pulled me on the dance floor i wrapped my arms around his neck he wrapped his arms around my waist and we started dancing i laid my head on his shoulder and we danced

3 songs later

I looked at him  "somewhere in forever we'll dance again" i told him he smiled "We used to be inseparable.......I used to think that I was replaced me" he told me I was confused but then I walked away i ran into the girls bathroom

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