The Break up

18 2 0

2 weeks later

Justin gets a week off and I picked him up from the airport with fredo and today were going to the beach i laid out some swimsuits out and chose one i put it on with an Justin's white t shirt and some white slip on vans i walked into Justin's room then we walked downstairs to Alfredo we invited Kylie kendall and tyga and Khloe they all came then we all walked down to the beach

"piggy back ride" i demanded to Justin in a baby voice he rolled his eyes "hop on" i hoped on his back he carried me I wasn't feeling good but I had to suck it up for justin they went into the water i took his shirt off  then justin and Alfredo look at me then look at each other then justin came over to me and lifted me up bridal style "justin put me down" i squealed giggling

"nah babe" he disagreed I smiled and pouted "baby don't pout" he said i smiled "babe put me down" i giggled  he put me down in the water is wrapped my arms around his neck he wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me up  I wrapped my legs around his neck

We were all in the water i kissed him pasionately then deepened the kiss then pulled away "i love you" i told him he smiled

1 hour later

Justin was surfing he road the waves then i sat behind him on the surf board and wrapped my arms around his neck from behind i kissed his shoulder i looked to my right and on the shore was fuckley "eww not this bitch" i told him "who invited her" alfredo says "no one" kendall snapped justin looked back at me "be nice honey" he said "don't fucking call me honey this is my time with you" i was upset i kissed his neck up to his jawline "i'm sorry" he apologized

20 minutes later

Justin and i changed out of our bathing suits and into (pics above) regular clothes and we went for a walk i wrapped my arm around his waist "babe pull your pants up" I told him he laughed "good one babe" he disagreed

"i'm not joking I'm the only one who is aloud to look at your ass" i told him he smiled and kissed my cheek then pulled away "can you at least put your shirt on" i told him he shook his head i shut his shirt on over my head and pulled it down justin linked our hands together we got ice cream and ate it then we went back to the gang

1 month later "who are you texting" i asked justin we were sitting on the couch i was wearing "no one" he denied  "clearly" i mumbled "what" he snapped "you're clearly texting someone who is it" i snapped "Its none of your business" he snapped

"Asshole" i mumbled
"What the fuck is your problem why are you always up my ass it's annoying" he snapped my heart sank tears came down my face "and you didn't care to much when you were shoving your tongue down my best friends throat" he snapped i was crying  "Ryan yeah i saw the kiss" he snapped

I stood up "YOU'RE SUCH AN ASSHOLE HE KISSED ME I STOPPED HIM I LOVE YOU" I screamed crying "LIKE I BELIEVE  HE KISSED YOU I DON'T THINK WE SHOULD BE TOGETHER ANYMORE I RELY SO MUCH ON YOU I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE ALL WE DO IS FIGHT" he screamed at me my heart sank tears came down my face i walked out of the room

3 months later

its been 3 months since we broke up  i miss him so much i cry alot, I feel empty inside i loved him I wrote a few knew songs about him im currently on tour i am now 18 ive been on tour  for 2 months justin is rumored to be dating this chick who

says she's a model I've never heard of her Hailey Baldwin, bitchley fuckwin is what I call her she's to ugly to be a real model  tonight my show is in Toronto which I love Toronto it's so pretty  I got ready in (pic above)opening acts came on Then it was my turn I sang warrior the first song

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