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"nah" i smiled he pouted i got off of him
"come on" i grabbed his arm and pulled him down stairs "happy birthday justin"  my mom and jeremy say with a cake i had made for him "did you make this" he looked at me "no but I told the lady at the store to make it" i smiled

"This is awesome thank you"  he Continued he wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me "eww no gross" i joked "oh thanks" he Muttered "i'm kidding Justin happy birthday" i hugged him

2 hours later We got dressed and ate some of his cake

I got a text message "remember me your father?" I read my heart sank there was another one "I heard you like Justin why would he fuck you he would rather fuck himself then a hoe like you" i read "no one wants your pussy i had it it's not that tasty" i  read

i started crying i ran into the bathroom and shut the door and locked it i took a razer blade to my wrist and watched the as i bleed as the tears fell and it burned my skin yet the pain felt good

"i heard it was Justin's birthday what'd you get him pussy hope he can return it" i read i cut my self again i couldnt breath i was scared  "go ahead cut like the little bitch you are" i read i cut deep in my wrist i wiped the blood clean with a towel then put a bandage on for it to stop bleeding

I went downstairs to justin we went to dinner for his birthday then we watched him open presents "whats wrong with you" he asked "What nothing" I lied "are you sure" he said i nodded and faked a smile

1 week later
My dad somehow got my new number i won't tell justin he started talking to me again j read more texts "Go sit in the corner where you belong you dunce"
"Ewww you want to fuck your stepbrother" " Crazy ass Bitch" "Whore, Slut," i scrolled down "Worthless and Lazy" "Glad I threw you out with the thrash, your the reason your mom and I split up"

"You deserve to die go shove some more pills down your throat bet you will" "your a screw up" you mother fucking piece of shit go rot in hell" i cried more

When i beat the living hell out of you you deserved it, slitting your throat then telling the abundance that you  tried to commit suicide was the greatest thing ever

"Remember when I pushed my cock so far into you that you cough up blood that was the best thing ever" i broke down in tears

"are you okay" justin asks worried  "yeah i'm fine justin" i lied

I read more texts "i wanted to throw you in the dumpster like the trash you are when you were born but your mom wouldn't let me" "you're a mistake" "you don't deserve to be happy"  "i wanna shove my foot in your stupid face"

1 month later

"you're a , tramp, nobody, dumb ass piece of shit, good for only sex, go back to the hell hole you came from, your a worthless piece of shit i wish you were dead" i read

"life would be better without you" i read then scrolled down you derevse to rot in hell your a fucking slut who wants to fuck your stepbrother" i read

"l justin hates you i hate you your  mom hates you why do you think justin had sex with someone else instead of you and with you in the next room" i read then scrolled down

  " just die" i read through tears i was upstairs in my bathroom i texted justin "Good bye Justin I'll miss you" then i locked my self in my bathroom i held me breath for while then  i  tried to open the oxycodone pill bottle "Alex opened the door" justin screamed

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