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He locked the door "justin open the door now" i demanded "are you gonna hurt me" he asked "no" i lied "mhm" he questioned "seriously babe open the door now" i demanded "i'm getting in the shower" He answered  "so what open the door" i snapped he unlocked it and let me in

I sat down on the chair
"You wanna take a shower with me" he asked i got scared and shakey  " i can't" my heart was heavy i was shaking "woah babe are you okay"  he asked "i can't take a shower with you i'm scared" i confessed uneasily

"oh i understand it's okay im not him he's gone now he can't hurt you anymore" he whispered comforting me he held his hand out for me to grab I looked at it then i grabbed it and stood up he pulled me closer to him "i understand if you don't want to

take a shower with me but know that I'm not gonna hurt you if that's what you think"  he  comforts

"Its not that I think you're gonna hurt me it's more i'm scared" i confessed "do you want to do it" he asked "yeah but i cant i'm to scared" i confessed uneasily "okay well i'm gonna go take a shower and then I'll be back"  he tells me

Then walked into the bathroom and shut the door

I want to have sex with him but I can't i'm scared and i feel bad and I get scared and panic everytime he asks me something like that l

Justin's pov
I jumped into the shower and washed everything and that area and then got out and dried off and dried my hair and then changed into some shorts i opened the door "um is it okay if I don't have a shirt on" i asked her she was

crying i looked at her confused i put my shirt on and took my contacts out and put my glasses on and got a snap back and put it on my head backwards and then walked out i sat down next to her "why are you crying" i asked her "because my dad ruined my entire life" she cried "babe if this is about the shower thing I'm sorry i asked"  i apologized

"its about more than just the shower its not fair normal couples are comfortable with getting dressed and undressed in front of each other there comfortable with taking a shower together

there even comfortable going to the bathroom together i'm not comfortable with anything you can even take your shirt off in front of me" she confessed uneasily to me i kissed her passionately then deepened the kiss then pulled away

"I don't care about that stuff when you're comfortable with it then we'll do it" i explained to her she let out a big breath i wiped her tears we stood up and walked to out to the buses and walked into my room

and shut the door i picked her up and carried her over to the bed i laid her down on the bed and crawled into bed with her i kissed her passionately then deepened the kiss

Back to me Justin licked my bottom lip for entrance I excepted hesitate he moved his tongue around my mouth we made out for ten minutes then he was on top of me like straddling me i pulled away i was

breathing heavily i sat up scared "i can't justin i can't"  i breathed he sighed and rolled off of me

"i'm sorry" i apologize he wouldn't look at me he was sitting criss-crossapple sauce next to me "You're  mad at me" i felt bad he looked at me "no i'm not mad at you it's just" he wouldn't finished

"what justin tell me what's wrong" i told him "i wanna make love to you" he whispered seductively in my ear "make love" i looked at him "yes i'm corny and horny" he joked i giggled and stood up and walked

into his closet i got leggings out of my suitcase i put them  a different bra and  tshirt on then walked out to Justin but he wasn't there he came back with a can of coke then handed it to me I took a sip then gave it to him

"I'm sleeping on the couch" i told him "wait what are you mad at me" he asked "yeah" i lied "youre scared to sleep with me"

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