Miracles and Mistakes

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"Even after everything you put me through after everything we went through together....I know where I belong" i told him "where do you belong" he asked "in your arms" i told him he smiled

I took ibuprofen and we ate some candy and some snacks and drinks i went on my phone "Jalex fans are going crazy about you following me on instagram" i told him "when did I follow you" he asked "when I took your phone" I told him he smiled

Justin's pov
I blocked and deleted all the girls numbers except alexs, Alexs moms, my moms, kendalls and Kylies number then i went on my gallery and deleted all the pictures that could get me in trouble and I deleted the text messages from those girls and then i went on instagram and unfollowed some girls and deleted girls pics

1 day later
Justin's pov still

I went back to the pet store and bought Alex that chihuahua girl puppy and went on line and bought stuff to go with her i waited 3 days and surprised her with the dog

3 days later

Justin bought me the dog i wanted

1 day later
I got a job offer for a movie but it's in Paris and I'm moving down there I think I just don't want to tell justin it will crush him and I'll be there 2 years i was with Justin now "um justin we need to talk" i told him "oh no...are you pregnant" he said "no.........I'm breaking up with you" the tears came down my face "what why" he said "I got a job offer for

a movie and I think I'm going to take it" i told him almost crying "that's amazing why are you breaking up with me" he asked "its in Paris" i cried "Paris I'll never see you and we just got back together and now you're leaving me" i'm sorry" i told him tears came down his face "I'll buy your house so you can keep your tour stuff there, go do your movie but I can't promise I'll wait for you when you come back"

2 days later I hung out with jazzy and Jaxon and told Jeremy and my mom i was moving to Paris justin bought my house I hung out with miley and kendall and tyga and Khloe and everyone one last time then I packed my bag and moved to Paris the movie is called Miracles

and Mistakes i play a 17 year old bad girl moving to Paris because she has been abused her whole life by her dad she meets this hot jock guy justin foley aka Brandon Flynn who has also been abused by his dad he has a chance of getting a basketball scholarship but all that changes when he gets my character Amelia Carter a badass biker party girl pregnant he turns her into a good good

I walked into the studio where we are filming we start the movie in school I'm wearing (pic above #1)


"Whose preppy" i asked walking down the school hall with the only girl in school i like "you mean Justin he's a pretty boy jock who gets away with everything he's been abused most of his life and has commitment issues you don't want him though he's a player" lacey says i stared at him for a long time
I walked away and over to him "hey justin right....I'm new here and I don't have any friends not that I want a friend but anyway I'm Amelia and I want to hang out with you tonight what do you say" i asked "sure" he told me

Next week scene two Cafè wearing (pic above #2)
"So tell me what's your back story" he asked "well there's not much to tell I've been abused my whole life my dad beat the living hell out of me until I was seventeen and came here to live with my mom "how do you like Paris so far" he asked "eh it's okay the people here are kind of dumbasses especially you" i bite my lip "what a coincidence I've been abused by my dad too

1 month later scene 4

I'm now dating justin in the movie I'm still a badass but that's about to change

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