Miley Cyrus

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kinda reminds me of the way justin used to dress and act but I have a date with him tonight so we will see how that goes" i told her "where is he taking you" she asked i shrugged my shoulders "i don't know" I told her

We walked back to Austin "where are you taking her on the date" Miley asked "boca restaurant " he said i smiled Justin took me there when he was on tour oh great "so miley what are you doing here" i asked "well its your birthday Tomorrow and we're having a party and I was wondering if I could invite selena and Justin" she said

"i told selena and Justin never to speak to me again selena was my best friend and she betrayed me they both did" i told her "justin kissed selena, but selena slapped him in the face justin was drunk and she slapped him she did the right thing they haven't spoken since the kiss" she explained "Why didn't someone tell me this before justin never told me

he was drunk or that she slapped him" I told her "because he knew you would break up with him anyways...he never talked to you like you wanted him not to because he knew you were angry at him and he was angry at himself and selena misses you she asks me all the time how are you" she told me

"yeah but why didn't selena ever tell me" i asked "because you" i interrupted "i never gave her a chance" i confessed she nodded i stood up and wiped my tears "um yeah whatever they can come i don't care but austin is coming too" i said he smiled

Later that night I was getting ready for my date i was nervous and scared and confused I still have feelings for justin but I don't want to get hurt anymore i let out a deep breath and put my boots on and zipped them all the way up i was putting the one dress on i zipped it in the front "Miley are you there" i asked from my room "um it's justin"

justin says back from the couch "that will work..come here" i told him a couple minutes later he came in looking at me "yes" he asked "opinion do you like this" I asked he looked at me confused "for austin" i told him "oh well i like it but I've seen your boobs if you are planning on austin seeing them tonight go for it" he told me

I rolled my eyes "relax I'm wearing a shirt underneath" i told him he smiled i was weak "then it's perfect" he told me I smiled there was a pause "okay turn around" i told him he smiled and turned around I put the black long sleeve crop top on then put the dress back on and zipped it in the front "you can turn around" i told him he turned around and sat down on my bed there was a pause then i walked closer to him and spoke

"i forgive you" i confessed to him "for what" he asked "you know what" i told him "oh...why" he told me "because i'm not angry anymore....I'm felt like I was missing a puzzle piece.....but now I know" a couple tears came down my face he wiped my tears 'were you angry at me" he asked

"i was angry at you but i was angry at myself too" more tears came down he wiped them "you didn't do anything wrong it was my fault" he told me he wiped my tears "justin we can be friends but first..... miley told me what really happened and I'm sorry i never gave you a chance to explain and

I want you to do one thing as my friend" i told him he was confused "which is" he asked "I want you to forgive yourself" i told him "and I'm sorry for everything I said to you" i told him "don't apologize i deserve it" he told me "justin no you don't" he told him

"no man you don't....she told me the stuff she said to you and about you and you didn't deserve it you're a good guy I know that" Austin comes in and stands next to me then wrapped his arm around my neck "and she knows that too" Austin told him I wrapped my arms around his waist from the side

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