The mall

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I was holding her in my arms "aww i love her" i smiled "hi" someone said i turned around it was justin "hi" i smiled "awwww"  someone said i turned around it was my best friends miley cyrus and Kendall Jenner   "kendall miley" i cheered and hugged them

Then let go "hey girl you ready for tonight it's gonna be fuckin lit " miley  cursed

"Whats going on tonight" justin asks "the super bowl duh" i told him "oh look who it is ex boyfriend Justin qweeber" miley roasted him "be nice" i scolded her "fine I'll be nice" she groans

"um your having a party tonight" he asked "i am why you planing on fucking one of your side hoes" miley roasted him again "miley" i scolded her "no i wanted to come" he confessed I pulled miley outside "please let him come" i begged "why" she asked "because it would mean a lot to me" i told her

"Fine he can come" she told me "yay" i cheered and hugged her then let go and we walked back into the room "you can come" i told him "cool" he smiled

"So we're going to the mall you coming" i asked him "sure" he looked at me i put Emma down and put justin outside Kendall and miley follow i made justin drive we got out and walked into the building

"Let's make justin go into Victoria's secret" i whispered to Kendall she giggled "hey Jay" i asked "what" he asked "give me a piggy back ride " i demanded he looked at me i looked at him he rolled his eyes "hop on" he says

i smile and hopped on his back and wrapped my arms around his neck and legs around his waist from behind he held my legs "so where are we going first" he asked as we were walking "take me to Victoria's secret" i whispered in his ear "oh hell no i'm not going in that store" he snapped "please" i begged

"Ugh you're lucky I love you" he groaned we all walked into Victoria's secret i told justin where to go and what to get "pick that up" i pointed to the first pair of underwear "um no you can pick out your underwear yourself" he snapped "please" i begged he rolled his eyes

"what size" i told him the size he picked them up  "that one too" i told him pointing to another pair i pointed to 21 more  pairs as he carried me on his back he got the size and held them in his hand "what else" he asked "bras" i told him "i officially will go to 

i pointed the mall with you again" i told me and walked over to the bras "that one" i pointed to one and told him the size he got it then  i pointed to 6 more bras he got them

"What else" he asked me "sweatpants" i told him he sighed  "you can put me down now" i told him he put me down i walked to the sweatpants and picked two pairs then justin and i went to the line for the check out Kendall and miley were in front of us


It was our turn i put what I had on the counter justin put what he had on the counter the lady rang it up and told me the price "that will be 382.95" she told me i was about to hand her my credit

card when justin her his I looked at him she swiped it then gave it back with the recipient she put them in two different bags and handed them too me "have a good day" "you too" we walked away and out of the store "you didn't have to pay for it i was " i explained to him he shrugged his shoulders we made justins bodyguard carry our bags

"You pick a store" miley tells him "calvin klein" justin says we all walked down to the calvin klein store justin got some boxers i got a bra and underwear set and a calvin klein hoodie


We were done shopping we stopped and got frozen lemonade drinks

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