I still love him

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2 days later
I went on my phone

Austin Mahone and Alex Stone are all over instagram the two went on a romantic even dinner together but the next day Alex celebrated her 20th birthday party with Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez now the two havent spolen in over a year but according to sources Alex

  was reportedly  dancing with her ex Beau Justin bieber and we have the video to prove it  but the day after the party Alex and Austin dropped justin off at the airport  where the two said there goodbyes and even hugged so is this the end of Jalex and the beginning of austin and alex let us know what you think"

6 months later
I'm dating austin I've been for 3 months  and I thought I was happy but I'm not something is missing it's more public then justin and i were and I'm scared austin is a good guy but he's not justin and I'm not okay i just want this tour to be over I have anxiety over this tour I'm depressed and now austin wants that thing and I'm not ready i don't love him but I don't want to hurt him i still in love with Justin

I was sitting alone on my tour bus on the couch sitting with my legs bent on the couch too wearing (pic above #1)

When Yael Scooters wife walk in and shut the door i looked over at her she sat down next me "i'm so over this tour i want it to be over I have anxiety over this tour i can't sleep then i look at all the pictures of me and Justin and i think about us alot" I told her "you only have a couple months left are you sure you want to quit" she asks "i don't know what I want i really like Austin so I don't want to hurt him" I told her

"Do you love him" she asked "no...and I feel guilty because I love someone else that hurt me so bad" i told her "justin" she asked i nodded " but almost 2 years ago i told justin i hated him and I don't hate him i love him and I'm scared i don't want to get hurt again and Justin he hurt me" i confessed

"how do you know when you still love someone that hurt you" i asked "the way you still look at them you'll know if you love them you're face and your eyes says it all" she told me "Austin wants me to have sex with him and I don't want to hurt him but I don't want to" I told her

"maybe you should talk to someone who understands what you've been through" she told me "justin" I asked she nodded i facetimed justin "good luck" she walked off the bus justin answered "hey alex how are you" justin says  "um good i guess....wait where are you" i asked him "um I'm in Arizona suprise" he said my face lit up

"your here for what....what are you coming tonight" i asked him excited "yes i'm coming tonight so what's up with you" he asked me "um austin wants to have sex with me and i don't know what to do" i told him "eww I'm not giving you advise on sex" he told me "come on please" i asked "fine if you love him go for it make love with him" he told me

"um I'm scared i only had sex with one person i trusted and that was you" i told him "well do you love him" he asked i shook my head "then there's your answer I'll see you in a little bit" he told me "bye" i told him he smiled "i l-" he hung up "love you" i said to no one

2 hours later
Its 1 o'clock i got a shower and then changed into (pic above #2) i thought if I took a cold shower it would help me feel better but it didn't i walked out of the bus in my socks and my oversized sweater and went to sound check

"Were making sure everything is perfect for tonight Austin came over to me wearing (pic above) he wrapped his arms around my neck from behind

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