I'm human

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I decided to do it for 20 million dollars hell yes I was gonna be on the cover of the magazine i did the shoot and they picked the pictures

I was asked to do the calvin klein campaign for 44,000 dollars plus I get a bunch of calvin klein stuff i did that then then when I was done the fans surrounded me i was being pushed left and right they were flashing there cameras in my face they took 200 selfies that I didn't agree to take i was completely broken inside they don't respect my privacy

They tear me down i went home selena was there and I broke down in tears and told her everything that happened with justin and everything after i was broken i felt alone i feel empty

2 days later  I was wearing (pic above)

Selenas pov

  "ALEX OPEN THE DOOR PLEASE" i managed to get the door open

i saw her trying to open the morphine bottle  "i can't get the cap oft" she yelled in tears i started crying i tried to take it from her "NNOOO" she screamed crying and fighting me for them i finally took it from her i dropped it and the pills went everywhere she was crying so hard she looked at me and screamed "WHAT DID YOU DO" in my face through tears

I wrapped my arms around her below her shoulders and eventually i was kneeling down on the ground with her sitting in front of me I tried to calm her down she kept saying

"selena i wanna die let me die please" she cried even more and still shaking rocking back and forth

"i don't know what you want me to do" i told her  "make it stop" she rocked back in forth  

"take the pain away take it away Selena" she said still shaking and crying i started crying "   "i wanna die let me die please let me go" she said crying even more and breathing heavily "STOP" i screamed crying so hard

"please i wanna die let me die please let me go let me go i wanna die let me go let me go" she repeated over and over again fighting me to let go and give up "Let go selena let me go" she was still shaking and rocking back and forth

crying out loud i was scared to death to let go i tighted my grip around her "let me go, let me go" She fought me through gritted teeth

"LET ME GO" she screamed crying and fighting me still and got out of my grip she stood up and ran away i ran after her scared i chased her until she ran into my room and shut the door and locked it "NO" I screamed crying

"ALEX OPEN THE DOOR" I screamed banging on the door nothing was said i eventually used all my weight and knocked down the door i ran into the room she was trying to jump out the window i stopped her and picked her up

she was crying fighting me to stop and let go i couldnt lose to her i laid her down on the bed she tried to get off a couple times i pinned her arms down and sat down on her straddling her while she was fighting me

"STOP" I screamed crying so hard the tears were hitting her she was shaking and crying "just let me die please i want the pain to go away" she confessed shaking

She closed her eyes and fell asleep

I got off her and walked downstairs i let out a big shaky breath

Back to me 

2 hours later

I woke up in bed alone I got up and sat down on the ground in front of the window

I sat in the same spot for hours then I started writing music  I let all my feelings out into my music

Selena's pov

I called Justin because I was scared and I didn't know what to do he came over to her house "whats wrong"  he asked I grabbed his arm and dragged him upstairs and into her room

"she's been sitting like that for 3 hours she tried to Kill herself I stopped her but next time I don't think I can" I explained
Then Alex started singing

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