I'm not Gay

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I sat back down on Justin's lap "damn" he exaggerated i smiled he took a sip of his beer so did selena we watched the performances then the game started hailey was staring at us

"you know what take a fuckin pic it'll last longer why the fuck are you even here no one wants you here grow the fuck up and leave he oviously don't like you your so delusional "  i snapped at her he started crying "awww boo hoo oh wait i dont give a shit" i snapped

"no one cares about you no one even invited you you fuckin invited yourself  go find yourself some new friends and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.....on second thought let it hitch ya" i snapped she sobbed and ran downstairs "damn alex" justin groans "shes annoying" i told him


The came was over our team lost it was like 12 am justin was on his 3rd beer i ran into mileys room and put (pic above) on then got a hoodie from her closet i put her sex drugs and rap hoodie on  i put my hair in a bun then i walked back to justin  i sat down on his lap selena was passed out on his lap i laid my head on his chest and fell asleep

8 am I woke up in bed with selena well that's a first justin much of put us in here i heard someone puking i ran into the bathroom justin was vomiting in the toliet i got a towel and wet it he was hung over he threw up twice more than flushed then looked at me i wiped his mouth

"Can you take me home" he asked weakly "yeah"  i told him we stood up and walked into mileys room "miley were leaving" i told her "k bye" she said justin and i walked downstairs and got into my car i drove to his house

"bye" I told him " you can come in for a minute if you want" he told me i parked the car and we got out and shut the doors justin unlocked his house door then we walked into the house and shut the door

i set the keys down i got ibuprofen out of my purse and got a can of coke I handed him the pills and the pop he swallowed them with the coke then handed me the can "ugh thank you so much my head hurts so bad" he whispered


He went to sleep i went back to my house i went on my phone and looked on Google BATTLE OF THE TWINS!! I Read i clicked on the article

Singer/model Aex Stone leaves rumored Girlfriend Miley Cyrus's house wearing her sex drugs and rap hoodie but leaving with rumored boyfriend Justin Bieber people say miley and  Justin look alike do you want to see justin and alex together or are alex and miley cyrus together" i read

i'm not Gay why would they think that I drove to mileys house and gave her back her hoodie then drove to Justin's house i ran upstairs and into his room "Alex what are you doing here" he asked "you wanna have sex" i asked  "what" he was shocked "have sex with me" i demanded "why" he was confused "because i want you to" i replied "that doesn't mean I should what's wrong" he was concerned about me

He looked at me confused "wait is this about the tmz thing saying your rumored to be dating Miley" he asked i looked at him i nodded "you're not dating her i thought you were too until you sat on my lap at the party" he confessed "i'm not Gay i like guys" i was hurt

"i didn't think you were but if you not you aren't then why do you want me to have sex with you" he asked confused "i miss you" I mumbled "what" he asked "i miss you i want us i realized that when I saw how jealous i was when hailey was sitting on you at the party" i confessed uneasily to him he pulled me on the bed and sat up from laying down

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