Passed out

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Next morning I was sitting on the couch of my tour bus Yael comes in and sits down next to me "everyone is up if you want to come in the other bus" she told me "nah I've been

thinking about what you said" I confessed "the way you still look at him will tell you if you still love him" she repeated "I don't know if I understand I think I do" I told her

then the door opens and Justin comes on the bus my face lit up I smiled at him and I knew how I felt "I know" I

gasped "know what" he asked in his raspy morning voice "nothing good morning" I told him "good morning" he told me

My phone started ringing I looked at it and it was Austin I smiled and answered it and put it on speaker "hey babe" I told him "hey Alex um good

morning "morning" I told him "hey Austin come ba-" I heard a girl say he hung up on me I stood up and walked away I walked into my bedroom and pressed the close button I started crying

Justin's pov
Alfredo comes on the bus

"Oh no" I told her "justin you better fix it" Yael says "how am I supposed to fix this" I asked "let her cry in your arms" she told me I stood up and walked into her bedroom and crawled into bed with her she crawled on top of me and cried into my shoulders

I rubbed her back

2 hours later
Back to me I have been crying for two hours on Justin then I stood up and ran into the bathroom and threw up twice in the toilet then Justin comes in

and holds my hair I threw up twice more than stood up and flushed and washed my face then put my hair in a ponytail we walked out I broke up with Austin and got a cold shower and changed into (pic above) and went to sound check i wanted to get it over

with Justin was engaged in the song I told them to stop the music they did "i wanna do something else tonight" i told scooter and sat down on the edge of the stage "justin get over here" i told him he smiled and walked over to me i wrapped my arms around his neck he wrapped his arms around my waist and  set me down on the ground we let go of each other

"like what"  scooter asked "I don't know but I don't want to do shout out to my ex" i told him "you have to that's what the tour is called" he told me "wait Alex wasn't shout out to my ex about me why don't you want to sing it what's wrong" justin asks i looked at him "i wrote those songs when I was angry at you i'm not angry anymore" i told him he smiled

"then sing shout out to my ex for austin he's still opening for you right" he asked i shrugged my shoulders "no he is not" scooter says "good...whatever fine let's just get this over with" i told scooter i went back on stage justin and alfredo were watching me the music to Givin you up started i started singing

"What could you hope to achieve
When I'm cryin' and you know why? How do you find your reasons
In my deepest, darkest night? I keep givin' you up. I remember when You were my only friend. Now I'm not sure you can Feel like that again." I sang we did a run through of all the songs then we were on our last song I felt nauseous justin was worried "stop the music" justin screamed they stopped it  i got more dizzy and suddenly my head hurt and that's the last thing I remember before everything was black

Justin's pov i heard a big thump and look at Alex she passed out i ran to her side "water does someone have water" i asked they brought water and I poured some on her then wetted my lips well "oh yeah justin that's gonna help Alex" alfredo says i rolled my eyes and started kissing Alexs forehead "Alex wake up, Alex wake up" I kissed her forehead she slowly started waking up

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