nobody invited you

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Then we went to my house we all went upstairs and into my room  justin and i put our stuff down then we all sat and talked i went on snapchat and made a video "jay...jay....jay....jay" i tried getting his attention "what" he snapped "get off your phone" i told him he rolled his eyes the video ended i put it on my story is made another one

"hey what's up world i'm here with the very beautiful Kendall jenner and miley cyrus then the one and only Justin Bieber he's being mean to me but whatever" I recorded it then put it on my story then made another

"add babysizzler  on snapchat at Rickthesizzler" i told them "Alex quit and baby sizzler i ain't no baby" he said "you're a baby" i whispered   he rolled his eyes  "my friends don't like  me on snapchat" i told them the video ended

Told miley to film "go" miley told me i wrapped my arms around Justin's neck from the side "my baby" i claimed him my voice like a baby he stuck his tongue out at me and tried to lick me i gasped he laughed the video ended miley put it on my story then i made another

I filmed miley "smiley.....miley....miley look at the camera" i told her she looked up and stuck her tongue out " wat up bitches" she swears "you can't call my fans that" i scolded her "sorry"  she apologizes

The video ended i put it on my story then made another i filmed justin "hey hey" he asked "what" i asked "do you Uber everywhere" he asked we started laughing "what the fuck" i laughed he was cracking up then the video ended i put it on my story

I turned my phone off  "so let's go get ready for a fuckin lit party" miley cursed


I took a shower and changed into (pic above)


At mileys house i was moving my hips back forth turning the tv on miley smacked my butt hard "miley" i gasped justin laughed "you had that coming" Kendalls says i jumped on them they groaned my butt was on miley and my legs were on

Kendall i had my arm wrapped around Mileys neck "and you had that coming" "look at me" justin says we looked at him me and miley stuck our tongues out at him Kendall made a duck face he took our picture  I got off their laps

Justin's pov I put the picture on instagram with the caption with the squad snd tagged them kylie jenner, tyga, Khloe, Kim and Kanye,  selena gomez, gigi and Bella hadid, and Zayn all arrived "selena" i cheered and hugged her "how are you feeling?" 

"I'm good how are you " she asked "good" i told her "you guys are friends" justin asked "yeah" i told him "you guys don't hate each other" he asked "no we hate you" i joked his mouth dropped open "were kidding Justin" i told him

We walked into the theater room and sat down next to everyone "you guys know haileys coming right" kylie says "what" i snapped "oh hell no" justin says

"Why is she coming" selena asks "i didn't fucking invite her" miley cursed

"She said you did" kylie tells us "oh fuck no" miley cursed

....the show started hailey just arrived me and selena were sitting on Justin's
lap hailey was watching us the whole time Beyoncé as performing  my eyes widened i covered Justin's eyes with my hand "alex" justin groans annoyed i took my hand off his face we finished  watching Beyoncé's  performance "justin do you want anything to drink" i asked "yeah a beer" he told me "make that two" selena says

I got off justin and walked downstairs and into the kitchen i got two beers and a can of mountain dew and walked upstairs hailey was sitting on justin "um that's where I was sitting" i snapped "so what" she asked "get off me" justin snapped at her

  "make me" she said i set the beers and pop down "i'll make  you" i snapped i grabbed her by the hair a dragged her off of Justin and threw her to the ground "stay away from him he doesn't want your nasty ass viginia" i snapped and grabbed the drinks and had selena and justin there drinks

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