Love will remember

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Do your days get a little bit lonely?
Nights get a little bit colder?
Heartbeat a little bit louder?
Days get a little bit longer?
Nights get a little bit colder?
Heartbeat a little bit louder?

When you're running, who you run to?
Where do you go to hide?
When she ain't giving you enough to get you through the night
I won't be caught up in the middle
Through your highs and your lows
Baby, 'long as you're not with me, we'll always be alone

Do you stay up late, just so you don't dream?" I sang I sang the rest of the song

I sang more songs then I changed for concrete angel they put the broken school setting on the stage I sat down in one of the desks the lights went on I was dressed like a little girl the Music started

I waited then I started singing

She walks to school with the lunch
She packed
Nobody knows what she's
Holdin' back
Wearin' the same dress
She wore yesterday
She hides the bruises with linen
And lace

The teacher wonders but she
Doesn't ask
It's hard to see the pain
Behind the mask
Bearing the burden
Of a secret storm
Sometimes she wishes she was
Never born

I stood up and walked on the actual stage

"Through the wind and the rain
She stands hard as a stone
In her world that she can rise above" I sang the dress was velcro so I ripped it off and was now wearing the white stuff I was helped into the wings in 3 seconds they cheered I sang more

"But her dreams give her wings
And she flies to a place where
She's loved
Concrete angel"

Somebody cries in the middle
Of the night
The neighbors hear, but they turn
Out the lights
A fragile soul caught in the hands
Of fate
When morning comes
It'll be too late"

I sang I sang the rest of the song


the last song of the day I sang 19 songs beforehand i have 20 i was wearing pic above we were all wearing toronto maple leafs merch i was wearing Justin's oversized jersey that had his name on it I ran back on stage with my robe on and tied tight "so before I go i have one more song but before guys know how earlier i said i love Toronto well I do and I love it so much underneath this robe i have a jersey on and it just so happens to be a toronto maple leafs jersey" i took off the robe and kicked it off to the security guard the audience went crazy i smiled

Justin's pov I was watching Alexs show all these songs were about me it made me sad it was almost the end of the show there was one song left when Alex took a robe off and was wearing a toronto maple leafs jersey "so that's where my jersey went" i said to my dad he smiled "she might of bought it" he said

Back to me "so the last thing I said to my ex before we got back together was Love..will..Remember" i told them into the microphone

The music started it was Justin's voice

Hey babe it's me, I just wanted to call to tell you that
I love you so so so so much,
Just wanted to let you know that you are my princess,
You are worthy of all of the love in the world,
You are the love of my life.
It stopped i started singing

"Now is all we got
And time can't be bought
I know it inside my heart, forever will forever be ours
Even if we try to forget
Love will remember
You said you loved me, I said I loved you back
What happened to that? What happened to that
All your promises and all them plans we had
What happened to that? What happened to that


Break down the walls, let heaven in
Somewhere in forever we'll dance again
We used to be inseparable
I used to think that I was irreplaceable
We lit the whole world up before we blew it up
I still don't know just how we screwed it up
Forever forever forever

Love will remember you
And love will remember me
I know it inside my heart, forever will forever be ours
Even if we try to forget
Love will remember, love will remember
Love will remember, love will remember
Love will remember, love will remember
Love will remember, love will remember

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