Justin's Show

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um gross" he looks at me "hey so what" I told him we ate our McDonald's and drank our drinks Justin threw the garbage away then we hung out and talked

...2 hours later I was wearing (pic above) justin was back stage doing meet and greets Jeremy, my mom me and alfredo  we all waited in line for 2 hours waited for him "next" the security guard says it was finally our turn we went into this little room

"oh my god mommy it's justin bieber"  i gasped  like a little kid he laughed and hugged me "oh my god i can't believe I'm touching the one and only Justin Drew Bieber" I exaggerated sarcastically he laughed i kissed him passionately then deepened the kiss then pulled away

"i waited in line for two hours to see you" i told him "you could of just come back they know who you are" he explained to me "you couldn't of told me that " i rolled my eyes were took some pictures then we let him finish

2 hours later

Justin got ready for the show his opening act got sick

"Dude u need someone to fill in for her"  Justin is talking to scooter "Alex can you do it" he asked me Justin looked at me "I um sure what do I sing"  I asked

"do you know Maria" scooter asked I nodded "sing that" he told me Justin handed me the microphone and kissed my cheek then pulled away the music to Maria I walked out they screamed louder the speaking part was on

Justin Bieber's, Pop star Justin Bieber, denied he fathered a child,
There's a lot of good that comes with celebrity you know that,
There is also a pretty white hot spotlight,
Of course,
And you've found yourself under it recently,
Some headlines,
Set the record straight none of it is true,
Do you know this woman?
Never met the woman
Alright well obviously this is what comes along with, uh,
Life in the fast lane as they say...

I started singing

"She says she met me on the tour
She keeps knocking on my door,
She won't leave me, leave me alone
This girl, she wouldn't stop,
Almost had to call the cops
She was scheming, ooh, she was wrong"


That ain't my baby, that ain't my girl
She ain't my baby, she ain't my girl
She ain't my baby, she ain't my girl
She ain't my baby, she's not my girl" I finished the song they screamed louder

I walked back stage "sing some else" he told me

....I just got done singing my song Skyscraper  *demi lovato*

and then justin went on stage


It was almost the end of the show i was watching the show with scooter and fredo when Allison comes over to me and says "you wanna be the one less lonely girl" i was so confused alfredo nods Allison takes me back stage Justin starts singing one less lonely girl I started crying  happy tears

...... one of his dancers come and pull me out on stage

Then when the song was over everyone was screaming we hugged then i stood up then he grabbed my hand and we ran off stage

I kissed him passionately then deepened the kiss then pulled away He ran back on stage and finished the set list

Then ran back stage he was sweaty and gross "eww no gross don't touch me" i told him he was confused "babe what did I do"  he asked "nothing go take a shower" i demanded he went into his dressing room and shut the door i walked into the room and shut the door he was in the bathroom

5 minutes later
Justin comes out of the bathroom all fresh and clean with shorts and no shirt on with some high tops he sits next to me "guess what I get to go on tour in 2 months" i told him "thats cool i get a week off in 2 weeks" he explained to me

Alfredo comes into the room "check out instagram" he announced on his phone "yall are  blowin up" he smiles justin and i look on instagram "Alex stone cheats on boyfriend Alfredo flores with his best friend justin Bieber" I read shocked

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