Pattie mallette

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back on relationship so quickly Justin and I are shopping I'm wearing (pic above #1) I don't know I trust Justin and we were together before I left

We bought fruit and vegetables juice and water and sprite and coke for Justin we bought wipes then we went home  Justin made me fruit salad with yogurt

I ate it and drank Orange juice with that then Justin ate it too

1 month later
I'm wearing (pic above #2)

I'm 2 months pregnant and we finally told my family and friends and Alfredo
I just got back from the doctor I walked into the house justin and Alfredo look at me i shut the door justin kissed me passionately then deepened the kiss then pulled away "you're pregnant" alfredo was shocked I nodded he smiled "uncle fredo is gonna teach him how to get the ladies" Alfredo says "how when you can't get ladies yourself and what if it's a girl" I asked "rude" he said i smiled

"If its a girl Then she's staying far the hell away from those boys" justin told me I smiled "she isn't allowed to date until monkeys fly out of my butt" justin explained I smirked he smiled "justin doesn't want to tell pattie" i told him "Dude why she's your mom" alfredo says "I don't know because we're not that close i don't talk to her that much" he asked

"but Justin she's your mom" i told him "yeah and if you're dad was alive would you tell him" he snapped "no but did your mom rape you, or tell you to die, you are such an asshole tell your mom the one who raised you,the one who gave you everything,....... the one who stayed,

your dad fucking left you at 10 months old and left your mom to raise you on her own...he abandoned you and he only came back because now you have money, and now you can't even tell your own mom i'm pregnant you know  how bad it is going to hurt her when

she finds out she's gonna be a grandma through social media instead of her only son and then you take it out on me like I did something but no i wouldn't tell my dad because if he were alive i wouldn't be" i yelled at him he didn't say anything I walked upstairs

Justin's pov

"Woah" alfredo says "I'm such an idiot of  course she wouldn't tell her dad "her dad made her hate herself your mom did everything she could for you" he told me

10 minutes later he went home I called my mom and sat down on the couch

Me: hey mom

Her: hey justin

i could hear the excitement in her voice

Me: I just wanted to call and tell you Alex
is pregnant and im gonna be a dad

Her:  justin i know but thank you for telling me
it's good to hear your voice

Me: wait you know? what?

Her:Alex told me I was the first one she told me before her mom

Me: then why did she snap at me to call you and tell you

Her: because she wanted you to be the one to tell me and she knew you probably wouldn't

Me:  mom why did you move to Hawaii 

Her: to explore I felt like you didn't need me anymore

Me: are you ever going to come back

Her: do you want me to come back

Me: yeah of course I want you to be in my life more

2 hours later we talked for 2 hours long and I realized that I was sorry for not being closer with her more than my dad

We said our goodbyes and hung up

1 week later
Back to me
I went online and bought a bunch of  stuff I bought diaper bags and bunch of diapers and wipes i ordered stuff from young versace, armani baby,dior   good for a boy or giri bought 2 strollers 2 car seats black and white young versace i took a picture of the little jordans I bought last week and posted it on instagram with the caption Guess what? Then I put it on Justin's instagram with no caption i liked it i got baby blankets from there and lots of other things I bought diapers wipes, bottles, I bought a couple justin bieber onesie said and a selena gomez one Kanye gave us

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