I care about Justin

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waist i cried into his shoulder then i hugged my mom and jeremy i walked upstairs and into my room i locked the windows and walked into the bathroom i took a hot shower it felt good on my bruises 

i washed everything and shaved under my arms down there and my legs then got out and dried off and dried my hair and then changed into something comfortable  (pic above) i walked into my room and laid down on the bed sideways i was rocking back and forth remembering what my dad said" 

"You're worthless your a nobody you deserve to rot in hell , sit in the corner where you belong you dunce" the words repeated in my mind over and over again" i cried my self to sleep"

Justin and i were sitting on the couch and "where the hell is she " someone screamed oh no my dad went comes barging in with one other person they
grabbed me and Justin's wrists the one guy held me back while my dad started hurting justin

"No stop let me go leave him alone stop it leave him alone let me go " I fought they hit justin "NO JUUSSTTIINN" I screamed in fear "let me go let him go" I struggled to get away they hit justin again "JUSTIN" I screamed  "SHUT UP SLUT" my dad said they hit justin again

"let me go stop let jay go let him go No leave him alone let him go" I screamed in pain he punch justin "STOP YOUR HURTING HIM" I screamed "so what" "you're sick leave him alone don't hurt him" i yelled

They hit him "NOOO JUUSSTTIINN" I screamed crying


I jumped up crying  "JUUSSTTIINN" I screamed crying and shaking i got up and ran down the steps screaming and crying shaking  "JUUSSTTIINN WHERE ARE YOU " I was downstairs "i'm right here what's wrong" he asked worried i wrapped my arms around his neck and cried into his shoulder "what" he was worried

"I had a nightmare and you were hurt"  i cried "its okay im right here i promise I'm not going anywhere" he said i looked at him he wiped my tears "what did he do to you" he asked  lookingat my face "i don't want to talk about it" i reassured him "oh okay do you want to go swimming" he went on "um with you sure at the beach no" i replied

I ran upstairs and into my room and shut the door i put my bathing suit on and walked into justins room and got a long sleeve shirt and put it on it fell under my butt I walked downstairs and outside to justin he was in the pool "come in" he said "i'm good" i was a little uncomfortable taking the shirt off

"Why what's wrong" he asked confused "my body" i mumbled disappointed "what did you say" he asked "i don't like my body" i  blurted out he just looked at me


"why I do" he confessed looking at me "i mean i uh" he stuttered "i have bruises all over my body" i cried "you know i don't care about all that stuff that doesn't bother me" he acknowledged

"But i do and I'm scared of what you'll think" i  wasn't looking at him "look if you want you can keep the shirt on but I don't care if you have scars and bruises on you it doesn't bother me" he told me

"I have a bruise on my butt" i told him "really aww" he cooed i looked at him confused then I got up i took off his shirt and got in the pool and swam over to  him and wrapped my arms around his neck "see i think your perfect" he confessed

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