The Video

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It's been extremely awkward between justin and later why is not normal i don't understand his problem i was texting my old friend

we were all in the living room "change so we can go to the beach" my mom said "mom i can't put a swim suit on look at me" "What your beautiful" she told me

i was texting and she said something about justin  i smiled and i was going to text her back but Jeremy took my phone "hey what no give me my phone" i was mad

"no you need to listen to your mom instead of texting your boyfriend so you get this back in a week" he  "shut up not my boyfriend i'm texting a girl" i complained

  "now go change so we can go to the beach" my mom said "but i don't want to go to the beach" i said "don't care" Jeremy says I rolled my eyes "fine" i groaned and stood up and walked into my room

I changed into my bikini and put my shorts and sweater on with black flip flops i walked out of the room

We were set up at the beach I sat down on Justin's towel and covered my self  with Justin's blanket  while Justin and Jeremy and my mom went in the wat

2 days later I was wearing (pic above)

"can i please have my phone back i need it" i walked into the room and sat down on the couch next to justin he moved over i glaced at him hurt and then looked at Jeremy "no" he says

"oh my god seriously" i groaned annoyed  "dad just let her have her phone back" justin said on his phone "no why don't you two watch a movie" he said i rolled my eyes i  stood up  "why would I want to watch a movie with him" i  walked away i walked into my room and laid on the bed

Justin's pov
"What did you do to her" he questioned "Nothing"  i lied " justin don't lie to me" he warned

"Fine well why I saw her dad of top of her it scared me and i saw her completely naked and I've been avoiding her because i'm scared and i feel like dying everytime i see her because I know i shouldn't of seen that and also when she sat down next to me i kinda moved away from her" i confessed uneasily to him

"I think this is about more than just seeing her in that way and moving away from her on the couch but for now go apologize to her" he questioned

"give me her phone first" he handed it to me and i walked into her room she was laying on the bed flat on her stomach "who is that" she sniffle "its Justin" i announced

"go away" she cried " I have your phone"  she sat up and looked at me "why are you crying" i asked "i'm not " she said "well your mascara says otherwise"

"Just give me it"  i rolled my eyes and gave it to her she looked at her phone she was smiling and then she looked like something was wrong "what's wrong" i asked her  she looked at me

"you made this" she showed me the twitter profile @justinbieber22 and I took the phone and scrolled down alex derevses to rot in hell she's stealing justin away from us i can't believe that whore got raped by her dad"  i read to myself i almost threw up  i looked at her  "i didnt make this" i told her she started crying

1 month later

  were back home

I was changing and alex walked into the room i screamed "sorry i didnt know were changing sorry" she said and walked out of the room i finished changing and walked out i grabbed her hand gently and pulled her into   "What did you want" i asked nicely

"never mind" i said "are you wearing my shirt" i said "yeah are you mad at me" she said "no i don't have them heart to be mad at you" i said she sighed "what's wrong" i said "i'm sorry i didnt mean to walk in on you i didn't think you were changing" she apologizes

"its okay im not mad at you" i acknowledged

"what did you want" i added "i don't even remember" she told me but I think she was lying "tell me" i warned  "why is my dad ruining my life" she cried "i don't know i'm sorry" my voice sympathetic

then her phone went off  I checked it "did you see this video" i said "what video" she said i showed her the video I paused it half way through and looked at her "are you okay" i asked "yeah i just want to be alone" she said and walked into the bathroom i walked downstairs

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