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Nigthingale it's called i wrote the first part  I can't sleep tonight
Wide awake and so confused
Everything's in line
But I am bruised
I need a voice to echo
I need a light to take me home
I kinda need a hero
Is it you?

Then I finished the rest of the song then I wrote a couple more

(Mistake the first part )

Now that I'm thinking sober
Don't you try to get no closer
I'm just gonna get my car and drive, and drive
Looking in the rear view mirror
Everything is so much clearer
Watch me wave it all goodbye, goodbye

7 am I woke up in bed by myself then i remembered justin was on the couch i put my glasses on and walked out of the room my face was red from crying everyone was in the living room on the couch  Justin looked at me "good morning" he told me I gave him the death stare "morning" i told him he smiled i rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen i got orange juice then walked back into my room and locked the door

Justin's pov "i am the worst boyfriend ever" i confessed tears came down my face "i fucked this up" I cried "I called her Selena after she was already mad at me for looking at Selena" I cried "quit crying and grow a pair and own up to it" liam snapped

"honestly Justin grow the fuck up and quit crying   you better never take that girl for granted, her whole life she felt unwanted and unloved  until she met you...that girl put everything in her heart that she had left into your

relationship because she was broken and you put the pieces back together she will never love anyone as much as she loves you so either you man up and go fight for your girl or you lose someone whose been mistreated her whole life and loves you with

everything she has left of what he stole" Selena snapped at me "I don't even know what to say" I told her "well say something" she snapped I stood up and walked into the room she was writing music

Back to me

I was sitting on the bed Criss cross apple sauce writing music

"Now that I'm thinking sober
Don't you try to get no closer
I'm just gonna get my car and drive, and drive
Looking in the rear view mirror
Everything is so much clearer
Watch me wave it all goodbye, goodbye" I sang

then looked up Justin was standing there "I'm sorry please forgive me I love you I do and I know you love me too

2 days later

I was wearing pic above it is 2 am I woke up in bed alone  Justin wasn't there but  he came in to our room crying like he did something wrong i put my glasses on"babe can i talk to you" he asked

through tears i got up and tried to kiss him he moved away "i don't deserve a kiss your gonna break up with me anyways I messed up and you deserve someone else instead of me  "talk" i snapped "im sorry i did something i made a mistake I'm sorry " he was crying

"what did you do" i asked scared "selena and i kissed" he confessed  i started crying  "im sorry" he cried

coming closer "dont touch me" i said crying "im sorry please dont break up with me im so sorry and i love you so much i fucked up so much" he said

"were more then done dont ever talk to me again" i snapped

"Wait i'm sorry" he apologized "no because if you were sorry you wouldn't have kissed her and you can tell her we are friends anymore" i told him he cried more


I packed up all my stuff and got a cab to the airport is got on my private jet and cried the whole plane ride i drove to my house


"What did I do wrong is it my fault" i confessed to myself

Then i started crying even more "i gave him everything he was my first love  he's mine not anyone else's

he's supposed to be mine forever and ever he doesn't love me anymore  I was crying into my hands I laid back down in bed and cried into my pillow and eventually i cried myself to sleep

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