Remember When

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"So we're going to play the songs sing the songs and make sure everything is okay" scooter says "okay" i told him "Hey kiss" i asked Austin he smiled and pecked my lips we pulled away then i went on stage and we did a run through of all the songs I was now singing remember when number 14 on the set list justin comes into the room with some girl and Alfredo they sit next to Austin looking at me i wasn't feeling well but I sang anyways

"Remember when I cried to you a thousand times
I told you everything
You know my feelings
It never crossed my mind
That there would be a time
For us to say goodbye
What a big surprise

But I'm not lost
I'm not gone" i sang then I told them to stop the music I didn't feel so good "Alex what's wrong" Yael yelled i threw up on stage everyone was shocked i ran backstage and puked in the trash can twice i put my hair in a ponytail then started crying i walked into my dressing

room and washed my face i put a pirce of gum in my mouth then walked out to the gang "are you okay" justin asks me i shrugged my shoulders he wrapped his arms around my neck I wrapped my arms around his waist we hugged then i let him go "how are you" i asked "good" he told me I smiled  "so you know alfredo but this is his girlfriend Sabrina" justin says

"oh.......alfredo you finally have a girlfriend" i joked weakly he gave me the death stare Austin pulled me into his lap I wrapped my arms around his neck "ew" justin says "jealous" i joked "no " he said i smiled "mhm" i questioned i laid my head on Austin's Chest "babe I'm sorry but I'm leaving before your show" Austin tells me I looked up at him

"you're not coming to the show" i asked "no i want to but I have to leave I'll be back tomorrow" he told me "who's going to open for me" i asked him he looked at justin "no justin is not opening for you know how many people will hate me for it and how many people will be talking about it" i told him

After the show justin and i were wearing (pic above)
I was hanging out on my tour bus with scooter, yael, justin, alfredo and Alfredos girlfriend "okay let's play a game" scooter says "okay" we all said "okay it's a couples game you and Justin, alfredo and Sabrina, and Yael and I, I ask you guys a question you like of something

you're partner would say and you write down your answer on a little card and see if they got it right" scooter cut up some paper and passed pens around "okay first question for justin and alex what is your favorite thing to do" scooter asked we thought something for us then wrote down our answer for each other then put the pens down

"okay ready Alex what is your answer" scooter asked "i love to walk on the beach or hike" i told them justin flipped over his card walk on the beach or hike I read i smiled "Okay justin what's your answer" scooter asked "um my favorite thing to do is her" he pointed to me I  blushed "Alex card" they asked i flipped it over "me" justin read then smiled  "Okay point for team Jalex and gross" scooter says

Last round "okay Jalex is winning" scooter says
"What is your favorite feature on your partner" he asked i thought about it "what if there is multiple things" i asked "pick one" he told me I wrote down butt we put our pens down "i have lots of favorites thing about justin but im going to say his eyes" i said he flipped over the card

"eyes"  i read "i'm gonna say ass" justin says I smiled and flipped the card over butt justin read "we won" i cheered he smiled "wait so that means you are the perfect couple" Yael says "what" i asked "the way you still look at them you'll know if you love them" she stood up they left

I went to bed but I couldn't sleep i thought about what she said

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