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6 months later Im almost 20   right now Justin me Miley Liam and Selena are all hanging out at the beach Justin was looking at Selena "justin" I said he ignored me and looked at her "babe where are you going"  justin now asks "Far away from you" I confessed "what did I do" he asked "ask Selena" I snapped "babe" he disagreed  I stood up and walked into the water

Selena came in with me "what's wrong" she asks "justin he's staring at you like a lost puppy" I told her "he's a guy he stares at all girls but he loves you" she told me "oh come on that boy loves you" Miley tells me  "no he still loves seleba I can see it when ever we hang out" I confessed to her

"But it's been so long since we dated he would tell you if he had feelings for me still" Selena told me "he has told me he said she was my first love I'll always love her and I know that but maybe

you guys need to see if you have a future what you have with him is like something he'll never have again maybe you need to find out for yourselves if there's more" I told her "but" I interrupted "no Selena no buts let me ask you this do you still love him like you used to...honest answer" I told her

"um yes I love him but it's different i don't want to get hurt and Justin loves you " she told me "what if he loves you more" i asked her justin came over to us in stood up and walked away "where are you going" he asked "as far away from you as possible" i said

"Come on babe I'm sorry" he said "justin stop do you even know what you did" I ask he didn't say anything "exactly so don't you dare waste your breath on apologies

because you have no idea what the hell you did but ask your ex I'm sure she has the answer" I snapped and continued walking "babe" he was hurt I found a bathroom

I walked into the bathroom and I used the bathroom and changed into my regular clothes  then put my bathing suit in Justin's bag then zipped it and walked out of the bathroom i washed my hands and walked out justin was standing there waiting for me

"shouldn't you be waiting for Selena" i snapped "babe I'm sorry" he apologized "don't you dare apologize unless you know what you you know what you did " i snapped "i'm sorry i stared at selena and not you" he confessed

"I'm still mad at you" i told him

At the house

we are all sitting on the couch "babe I'm sorry" i ignored him "babe come on" "i'm sorry selena" he said my heart sank i looked at him "I'm not Selena" i stood up and  walked away "babe wait I'm sorry"  i walked into our bedroom of the 5 star hotel room and slammed the door shut and locked it

Justin's pov
The door slammed shut i jumped everyone was looking at me "don't look at me" tears came down my face "well I'm probably one of the last people she wants to see so miley" selena says miley stood up and walked over to the door and knocked on it

Back to me "go away" I snapped "Its miley" she said i stood up and walked over to the door I unlocked it and opened it she came in i locked it again "how could he call me selena" i cried "i don't know but he's crying" she told me "good" I told her crying

Justin's pov

"I'm such an idiot, that's all I do is fuck up relationship after relationship because I can't get over my ex girlfriend"  i cried "justin grow a pair of balls and fix the problem you caused" Liam snapped "It was an accident i don't even know what to say" i told him

2 am
I am sleeping on the couch in my boxers

Back to me
I'm wearing (pic above)

I couldn't sleep i made justin sleep on the couch except I can't sleep without him  so I started writing music

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