Good bye Justin

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Justin's pov

I ran upstairs and to her room it was locked "ALEX" I yelled in fear "Alex opened the door now" i demanded

10 seconds later I kicked the door open she wasn't in there i ran to the bathroom door it was locked  "Alex" i screamed "stop no dont" i managed to get the door open

"ALEX OPEN THE DOOR PLEASE I BEG YOU I CAN'T LOSE YOU" I screamed banging on the door i eventually opened the door he was trying to get the  oxycodone pill bottle open again she yelled in tears i started crying i tried to take it from her  "i can't take it any more i hate myself" she screamed crying and fighting me for them

" she screamed crying and fighting me for them i finally took it from her i dropped it and the pills went everywhere she was crying so hard she looked at me and screamed "WHAT DID YOU DO" in my face through tears

she was crying fighting me to let go i couldnt lose to her  she tried to get out of my arms "i have to will to live" she cried

"STOP" I screamed crying so hard the tears were hitting her she was shaking and crying "just let me die please i'm in pain" she confessed shaking  "i know your in pain but I can't lose you" i cried

she kept saying

"i wanna die" through tears she was shaking and crying and saying "i wanna die" "justin please let me die i'm sorry but I can't do this anymore i hate me i hate this world sometimes I just want to go to sleep and never wake up i'm tired of being in pain"  she cried

my dad was standing in the door way

i glaced at him scared

"dad what do I do" I was shaking  "i don't know" "Justin i wanna die let me die please i want the pain to go away please" she cried even more and still shaking rocking back and forth

"I cant I can't let you die but i don't know what you want me to do" i told her  "make it stop make the pain go away" she cried into my chest    "i can't i don't know how tell me what's wrong" i feared

"My dad he got my number" she screamed

"Justin take the pain away please justin take it away" she cried  still shaking and crying i started crying "how" i screamed "i wanna die let me die please let me go" she said crying even more and breathing heavily "I CAN'T NO" i screamed crying so hard

"please i wanna die let me die please let me go i wanna die let me go let me go" she repeated over and over again fighting me to let go and give up "Let go justin, let go justin let me go please let me go" she was still shaking and rocking back and forth

crying out loud i was scared to death to let go i tighted my grip around her "let me go " She fought me through gritted teeth "i can't breathe  i'm sorry justin i can't i wanna die let me die please let go" she broke down in tears

"NO I'M NOT LETTING YOU GO" I screamed crying "Why not" she asked crying shaking "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU" i screamed as the tears fell from my eyes she broke down


She cried herself to sleep the abundance came and lifted her on the gurney and put her in the back of the ambulance I got in  they  shut the door and drove to the hospital when we got there they took her to a room and laid her on the bed the hooked her up to machines

I grabbed her phone and took it to the police and reported harassment again

Next morning Back to me I woke up in the hospital bed wearing (pic above) i wasn't wearing a hospital gown  justin was sitting in the chair talking to some guy "her dad's getting on my nerves dude I wanna be with her and I can get her to see that if her dad tells her

she's worthless every five minutes" i  heard justin confess i opened my eyes "justin" i whispered weakly "yes sweetie" he asked "you love me" my voice weak he nodded "i love you too" i replied weakly he smiled

"when can we go home" i whispered "i don't know" he told me "Whose that" i responded referring to his friend "this is Alfredo his one of my best friends " he informed me

I weakly waved to him

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