Together again

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"Whats wrong babybear Are you okay" he asked "we can't" i told him reference to sex "why not" he asked "its that time of the month" i whispered to him "oh eww" he put his shirt back on  "okay so please tell me why your still in your pajamas and it's one o'clock" he asked me

"because I was cleaning my house" I told him he smiled "i'm taking a shower and then we can do something" i explained to Him "can i take a shower with you" he asked "um no" i told him I ran upstairs and into my room and shut the door I took a shower and washed everything

and shaved under my arms and legs and down there and then got out and dried off and dried my hair and changed into (pic above minus the purse) i put my contacts in and changed my tampon and inserted a new one and then threw the garbage away wiped and stood up and flushed and pulled my underwear and pants up I washed my hands and put my hair in a high bun 

I put my shoes on and grabbed money and a couple tampons and Walked downstairs "here put these in your pocket" i told him he looked at me like I was crazy "ew I'm not putting tampons in my pocket" he told me  "please" i asked he rolled his eyes and took them and put them in his pocket "so where are we going" he asked

....we went to the stores by the mall we walked down and walked passed the pet store i stopped "can we...just to look" i asked him "i guess" he said "yay" i cheered

...we looked at all the puppies and I wanted the little white chihuahua girl she was adorable "justin i want her" i confessed "this is why I don't go to the pet store with you,." He told me "but Justin look at her" i told him he smiled "Okay put her back" he told me I glared at him "justin please" i asked him he rolled his eyes "no you can borrow Esther" he told me I pouted and stood up i handed her back to the lady who put her back we left

We stopped at the tattoo place i got a new tattoo true love never dies "Alex should I get another tattoo" justin asks "no you have enough you ruined my view when you put that eagle and son of god shit on your abs" i confessed I showed him my tattoo under my boob

i put my shirt on then i paid  i went to the bathroom and changed my tampon and inserted a new one and then threw the garbage away wiped and stood up and flushed and pulled my underwear and pants up and washed my hands and walked out of the bathroom we left

We went to the park

"So you don't like my tattoos" he asked "I do but I think you should of put them somewhere else like the bear here i pointed to his arm "then the eagle wrapped around your arm then son of god way smaller on the back of your leg above Jesus" I told him "maybe I'll get them removed and put them in the places you said "paparazzi suck and my stomach hurts" I told him

"Awww my baby" he told me I smiled we went to Walmart and got a bunch of candy and some snacks and drinks i went to the feminine aisle and got tampons then put them in the buggy justin paid and we left i put the stuff in the car and we went to the skate park justin started skateboarding i took a picture of him and put it on his instagram with no caption i followed me from Justin's account  then i went on my instagram and unfollowed austin and liked the picture


We went back to my house I didn't feel good at all I changed my pants and underwear then walked into the bathroom and shut the door I used the bathroom then changed my tampon and inserted a new one and then threw the garbage away wiped and stood up and flushed and pulled my underwear and leggings up and washed my hands and walked out and walked into the screening room where justin was i crawled in between his legs on the chair he started rubbing my lower stomach

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