The final chapter

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Baby yeezys I'm getting excited for this baby im happy i'm passed the morning sickness phase and now the cravings are starting

1 week later

I'm telling the media I'm pregnant my fans kinda guest on instagram so I want to make it official i posted a picture of me in the doctors office showing my small bump on instagram with the caption Blame @justinbieber ❤

He liked and commented "sorry 😂😍"

2 months later
I'm 4 months pregnant we get to find out the sex of the baby im so excited except I'm at the doctor by myself justin is at a meeting all day i'm at the doctors right now the lady put the stuff on my belly and the thing and moved it around i heard the heart beat and almost started crying "do you want to find out the sex of the baby today" she asked i nodded she smiled


"So looks like I see a lot of pink in your near future congratulations you are having a little girl" she told me happy tears came down my face

I bought a bunch of little girl things then went home I changed into something comfortable and put the pink justin bieber hoodie on and set up the stuff on the table and then started planning a gender reveal party

4 hours later
Justin came home from the meeting wearing (pic above)  "baby what's with all the pink baby stuff wait were having a girl" he asked i nodded he smiled and kissed me passionately then deepened the kiss then pulled away

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