Purpose tour

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" Now is all we got
And time can't be bought
I know it inside my heart, forever will forever be ours
Even if we try to forget
Love will remember
You said you loved me, I said I loved you back what happened to that what happened to that" she sang "love will remember was the last thing she said to me" justin tells me

"I have to go but let me know if she tries again" he informed me and walked away I followed him "you miss her" I asked he nodded "she meant everything to me"  he told me

....9 months later back to me i'm wearing (pic above)

I finished a whole bunch of songs it took a long time I stayed home most of the time

but I was finally happy with it I cried alot making this but I had fun I was now in the studio recording all these songs for this album

3 months later I'm finally done with the album it goes out in stores today I'm so happy i'm done with justin i'm moving on or trying to at least

I was hanging out with selena "you miss him don't you" she asked "yeah but i cant i love him but he moved on so I am too" i told her "its not real he's dating sofia because she wants fame and by being his girlfriend" "she'll get all the fame she wants" i finished the sentence "exactly" "does he know" i asked him "no but don't tell him" she told me "I have to it'll break him" i told her

I was backstage at the purpose tour concert in Justin's dressing room
"so you and justin" i asked "sofia your dating Justin" hailey says "you got a problem" i asked her "no" she told me

"yeah but i don't like him or love him"  she told us "so why drama" hailey asks "fun i mean i would never really love justin it's for fame i need fame" she replied "and by being his girlfriend you'll get all the fame you want" i told her "exactly" she smirked "your sick" hailey says "so" she shrugged her shoulders  i looked up justin was standing behind her crying i was in  shock "um sofia.....turn around" i stuttered

She turned around "no justin it's not what it lo-" "save it i should of known the only ones who never used me are selena and alex" justin cries "i'm so-" i interrupted "Sofia I've wanted to say this since

I found out about your little plan Stay the hell away from justin you will never find anyone better than him even if we aren't dating i know i would never use him for fame you could of had a real relationship with him but you have your
So called fans are to stuck up your ass to realize that your nothing with out justin, you screwed it up and remember karmas a bitch so youll get your turn" i snapped

she left "are you okay justi" i asked him "no i don't know i guess" he told me "well you did really well" i told him "thank you but I think I'm just gonna go to sleep" he says "okay" i confessed  "but you guys are hanging out together" he asked "no she broke us up remember she's the reason we're

not together i would never be friends with your little flings" i to told me "he never wanted you anyway" she snapped "I wanted her more than I ever wanted you, you used me for fame too, and shading everyone I hang out with because your jealous is fucking stupid, you can get the fuck out too the only one

I  really wanted to come was alex and selena so goodbye home wrecker" he snapped she sobbed and walked out too "you are amazing" i told him and wrapped my arms around his neck "you did good justin" selena says Justin smiled "thanks" he said

"but we can't be together i love you but I wanna focus on me and I'm still sad about the kiss thing" i confessed to him "look she kissed me i swear I understand that your upset about it but don't blame me it wasn't my fault
And we will always be friends if you need me I'll be there" he comforts

4 months later

I haven't Talked to Justin in a while I was kinda dating cameron dallas but we  ended that like last week

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