The hospital

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'If I could take away the pain and put a smile on your face
Baby I would, baby I would
If I could make a better way, so you could see a better day
Baby I would, baby I would, I would

Paint a doorway to the sky and hand you the keys yeah
Let you know that you're always welcomed so that you never leave ohh
Buy you all those fancy things that you only see on TV, yeah
Run away, to our hideaway, we be living the American dream
And I, know it's never gonna be that easy
But I know that it won't hurt us to try oh

If I could take away the pain and put a smile on your face
Baby I would, baby I would
If I could make a better way, so you could see a better day
Baby I would, baby I would, I would

Woh-ooh ho-oh, woh-ooh ho-oh, woh-ooh ho-oh
Baby I would" i sang buy then we were at the hospital

they put us in a room i laid her down on the bed they hooked her up to a machine that monitors her heart rate and blood pressure then i laid down next to her she slowly fell asleep my dad and stepmom came in i got off the bed and walked over to them

"are you okay" my dad said "no i almost lost her forever she means more to me then anyone in the world and I almost lost her" i said starting to cry "don't you think your over reacting" he said "over reacting she almost died i am not over reacting" i snapped "okay are you sure" he said  "yes she's delt with abuse from heer dad her whole life he did the right thing" my Step-mom says

"I don't know if I can stop her next time but  you weren't there you didn't see the amount of pain she was in because of my fans she scared the hell out of me i almost lost to her twice and i did once

I can't lose her she kept saying let me go let me die and i couldnt let go i couldnt let go dad" i started to cry  hugging my dad i was balling like a baby

"she screamed at me over and over fighting for me to stop and let go but I couldn't i couldnt lose her she wanted me to give up on everything and let go but I couldn't" i said still crying "alright justin stop crying" he said

Next morning

Back to me  I woke up in the hospital bed i felt so weak i opened my eyes Justin was sitting on the chair across from the bed "oh good your up" justin looks at me "are you okay? How do you feel" he asked worried

"you stayed" i weakly whispered "you told me to stay so I stayed"  he confessed "justin i want the pain to go away" I whispered weakly "i know and it will i promise it will get better" he confessed "when can we go home" i asked quietly he stood up and walked over to me "i don't know" he told me

Next morning we got to go home justin took me home i went upstairs and into my room and shut the door i walked into the bathroom and shut the door i ran a bath and took everything off and waited for the bathtub to get full i turned the water off and got in and washed everything and shaved under my arms down there and my legs then i sat in there for 30 minutes crying

The words my dad said to me repeated in my mind Idiot, Stupid Cunt, Go sit in the corner where you belong you dunce, Crazy Bitch, Psycho,Whore, Slut, Heartless Ho, Stupid, Worthless, Lazy.

Over and over again psycho worthless whore Slut heartless ho i cried for 5 minutes then i wiped my eyes and got out and dried off and dried my hair and then changed into (pic above) and  walked

out of the bathroom justin was sitting on the oversized chair "i'm not gonna try it again if that's why you're in here"  i crawled into bed sideways "im scared i can't lose you" he confessed and stood up and handed me a can of mountain dew i drank some then put

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