my speech

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"Did you know that I loved you or were you not aware?
You're the smile on my face
And ain't going nowhere
I'm here to make you happy, I'm here to see you smile
I've been wanting to tell you this for a long while" I sang to him we walked away from each other and sang to the audience

"I will catch you if you fall
I will catch you if you fall
I will catch you if you fall

If you spread your wings
You can fly away with me
But you can't fly unless you let your... let yourself fall" we sang to each other i wrapped my arms around his neck he wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up and spun me around then stopped and put me down " justin bieber everybody" i said into the microphone they screamed louder I walked back stage

"So was it cool your first time on stage ever" scootersays "it was so cool" i cheered justin came back stage and pulled me on stage again

"so there was a little girl and she was abused and she grew up she's 17 now i met her when she was sixteen and she told me she was broken ashamed of who she was she told me what her dad did to her and it

broke my heart and now she's strong and confident and she wrote a song called when she cries so alex you want to sing your song" he explainedto the audience i smiled the music started i started singing

"Little girl terrified
She'd leave her room if only bruises would heal
A home is no place to hide
Her heart is breaking from the pain that she feels

Every day's the same
She fights to find her way
She hurts, she breaks, she hides, and tries to pray
She wonders why, does anyone ever hear her when she cries

Today she's turning sixteen
Everyone singing, but she can't seem to smile
They never get past arms length
How could they act like everything is alright?
She's pulling down her long sleeves
To cover all the memories that scars leave
She says, "maybe making me bleed
Will be the answer that could wash the slate clean"

Every day's the same
She fights to find her way
She hurts, she breaks, she hides, and tries to pray
She wonders why, does anyone ever hear her when she cries

This is the dark before the dawn
The storm before the peace
Don't be afraid 'cause seasons change and
God is watching over you
He hears you

Every day's the same
She fights to find her way
She hurts, she breaks, she hides, and tries to pray
She'll be just fine, cause now he hears her when she cries

Every day's the same
She fights to find her way
She hurts, she breaks, she hides, and tries to pray
She'll be just fine, cause now I know he hears her when she cries
She'll be just fine, cause now I know he hears her when she cries" i sang the song was over everyone cheered i waited till they stopped cheered

"okay before I give the microphone back to justin i wanna say something....if you ever feel like you don't matter if you ever feel worthless and useless sometimes alone....I'm gonna tell you are not alone you do matter you are worth something and you are not useless...

.if you ever think that no one cares....well your wrong.... i care is what someone said to me when I was in pain justin it was justin who said he cared and cares about each and every one of you my dad broke me but if you are broken you do not have to stay broken and next time you say no one cares

that's not true i care justin your idol cares and everyone in this arena cares because you do matter thank you" i made the speech they cheered louder i gave the microphone to justin and walked off stage Justin finished the songs and then walked off the stage I hugged him

"eww gross you're all sweaty" i teased him "oh thanks babe" he wiped his sweat on me Then ran away "justin i'm gonna kill you eww that's gross" i cringed i ran after him he ran into his dressing room

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