Justin is here

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Come over and tell me i texted back

Back to me I'm wearing (pic above #1)
I went over to Justin's house and he let me in "lacey what are you doing here i told you not to tell him" I snapped "i didn't" she said "tell me what's wrong baby" he comforts "i'm late" the tears came down my face he wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me tight I wrapped my arms around his neck and cried into his shoulder "this is my fault I forgot the condom" he confessed i pretended to take it pregnancy test i broke down in tears i threw up in the toilet twice then stood up and flushed and washed my face then walked out "so" he asked "I'm pregnant" i confessed crying

Scene 6
In the movie it's 2 am I'm wearing (pic above #2) I'm 6 weeks pregnant and I can't sleep i have to tell my mom i was crying sitting Criss cross apple sauce on the bed when my movie mom comes in the room "mom i need to tell you something" i confessed  she  sits next to me on the bed "what's wrong" the tears came down my face "i'm pregnant" i cried "its okay it's gonna be okay" she comforts

9 months later

I'm almost done with the movie it's going pretty good i haven't talked to Justin in a long time I talk to everyone else but him i have 2 weeks off and I was cleaning my apartment when my phone started ringing I answered it via face time it was Justin "hello Alex look it's like 2 am here but I can't sleep i miss you" he told me "come  here i have two weeks off " i told him he smiled "but don't tell anyone try to leave without anyone noticing "alright I'll see you soon" he told me "k bye" i told him we hung up

I fed princess which is what I named my dog then changed her outfit  i did my laundry and put my clothes away and cleaned the bathrooms and bedrooms and the kitchen and fridge and the living room then i empty out the garbage and took it out i washed the sheets and then made the bed

Justin's pov I packed my bag and got on a plane to Paris without getting noticed. It's 2 am

I landed in Paris and went to alexs apartment without getting noticed it's 11 pm now in Paris

Back to me
I'm wearing (pic above #3)

I was sitting in the dark watching a movie there was a knock on the door i stood up and turned the light on and walked over to the door I answered it and it was Justin wearing (pic above) "justin yay" i gasped he laughed i hugged him tight and then let go I let him in and shut the door I turned the TV off

"How was your flight" i asked him "good I'm tired" he whispered "i can tell you can sleep with me if you want or you can sleep in the guest room" i told him "I'll sleep in the guest room If that's okay " he told me "um its okay" i told him confused and a little hurt I pointed to the guest room

"that's the guest room I'll give you a tour tomorrow" i told him I walked away "wait are you mad at me because I don't want to sleep with you" he asked i looked at him "you don't" I asked hurt

"no i do but I'm tired and if I sleep with you, you know we won't sleep" he told me "yeah whatever" I told him and walked away i walked into my room and slammed the door shut i crawled into bed and put my phone on the charger and closed my eyes and went to sleep

Justin's pov I walked into the guest room and went to sleep

Next morning Back to me

I was sitting at the table eating breakfast when justin comes into the room "good morning" he told me "morning" i told him I stood up and put my bowl in the sink "cereal" i asked "sure" he said I got a bowl out and the milk "what kind" i asked

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