Justin's confession

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2 days later Justin's pov

I was at home with just my dad i was dreading telling him a confession i had to tell him I walked into the family room and sat down on the couch  "I've been keeping a secret from you and chelsey  (justins step-mom) " i Informed him

"Okay which is" he asked "i like alex and i dont mean like as a sibling i mean i want to date her i want to kiss her and hold her and protect her" i Hesitated

"And how do you plan on telling her because what if she doesn't feel the same" he  Began "oh no your right i can't tell her but I did just release believe and it's mostly about her what if I sing a song to her i don't know thanks alot" i thought

Back to me

We were done getting everything ready on my phone "mom what do you think about justin" i asked "well hes a sweet kid and I trust him" she told me i smiled "Why are you smiling you like Justin don't you" she questioned

  "no" i denied it "you do aww that's so cute" she awwed "his birthday is in two weeks we need to get him something" i spoke  "like what" she asked "well have you seen his closet" i asked  "no" she told me "well its like Disneyland" i joked  "he loves his style especially his shoes i think we should get him shoes and maybe an outfit" i explained

"Okay" she said

1 hour later
I picked out things I thought justin would like and we bought them then my mom wanted to go to victoria's secret "you should wear more revealing things your 17 you only live once"  she informed me "i don't know i'm not comfortable with that maybe after my bruises go away" I replied

I bought some pink underwear there and some boyfriend pants and my mom bought lingerie yuck and we went home i carried my bag into the house along with the bags with justins present "were home" i acknowledged walking into the family room "hey" Justin smiles

"hi" i smiled my mom kissed jeremy "i gotta surprise for you we went to victoria's secret" she teased him seductively "yuck" disgusted i was justin stood up "Ooo you went to Victoria's secret what'd you get me" his voice was like a gay guy i giggled and bit my lip "very funny" i smiled "alright did you get anything"  he asked

"No" i lied "mhm" he questioned "yeah okay i got some stuff"  i teased him "Ooo can i see" he said i laughed "in your dreams" i turned around and walked upstairs and into my room

Justin's pov
"In your dreams" my mouth dropped open i groaned at her "yuck" my dad Mimicked alex i ran upstairs after her and into her room she was writing something "what are you writing" i asked her "nothing" she denied it "tell me" i demanded "fine i'm writing a song" she confessed

I looked at it "This is a story that I have never told
I gotta get this off my chest to let it go
I need to take back the light inside you stole
You're a criminal
And you steal like you're a pro

All the pain and the truth
I wear like a battle wound
So ashamed, so confused" i read "i like it" i told her

Back to me

I put my notebook away "so your birthday is coming up" i Recalled
"I know eighteen that's so awesome" he chanted "your so weird" I giggled "can i see what you got" he asked

"you will not stop unless you see my underwear will you" i smiled "show me" he demanded i dumped the victoria's secret bag out on the bed i showed him all the underwear and then the pants i got

"so i'm gonna be going on tour soon"  he informed me "i wanna go" I bit my lip "maybe you can" he agreed

2 weeks later March 1st I
I woke up and got up I was wearing (pic above) i ran into Justin's room i jumped on him he jumped up groaning in pain "happy birthday justin" i cheered "thanks for that" he groaned in his raspy morning voice "awww quit your whining" i Teased him "can you please get off me" he said

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