The healing process

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i'm in a group home for my drug addiction i still take the anxiety medicine "hi" i snobbed

"so tell us about yourself" the lady says "i'm good" i snobbed "you don't get by without telling us your story"  she explains

"Fine.....i'm Alex  I'm 17 and there's no story i haven't heard

i used drugs to take the pain away from my dad,my dad physically mentally socially Abused me he damaged me. my dad beat me, slit my throat. bashed me, insulted me, told me I was a mistake and that I should die I've been in and out of the hospital  because I've attempted suicide three times and now my dad's dead he's where he belongs in hell" i explained angry at my dad

"Thats nothing did your dad  ever tell you that he wanted to throw you in a dumpster" the one girl snobbed "yeah actually he did, did your dad ever rape you" i asked they just looked at me

"damn that's messed up" this one black chick says "have you had a boyfriend since" they were curious "i have a boyfriend now but I don't let him see me change or anything he's seen me in my

bathing suit but that's it he's stepbrother he's Justin Bieber"  I explained to them "he is not your lying" Peyton says "i am not" i acknowledged "okay bring him on visiting day" they demand "okay" i told them

1 week later

Visiting Day

My family and Peytons are the only people coming i was wearing (pic above #2)  and jeremy my mom and justin came in the door i was setting up the table "oh my god its JUSTIN BIEBER" Peyton screams i turned around

"jay" i gasp jogging to him and wrapping my arms around his neck he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me passionately then deepened the kiss then pulled away i turned around facing the girls there mouths were dropped open "i told you I'm not a liar" i acknowledged

I hugged my mom and jeremy "okay so introduce us" Rosie the leader tells me "okay so this is Peyton,Madison, jade and Jessica then this is rosie" i pointed to everyone "and this is jeremy my step dad my mom chelsey and justin" i pointed to them then smiled at justins name

"Hi nice to meet you" Peyton flirts with justin pushing me to the side "hi" justin looks at her funny "um he's mine you can't touch him" i was jealous and  annoyed justin grabs my waist "are you jealous"  he asked "no" i lied "mhm" he questioned "fine i'm a little jealous" i told him "i love you" he said i smiled and kissed him passionately then deepened the kiss then pulled away

"Gross" Jeremy says "what ever" justin says "there is no having sex here"  Rosie the leader tells me "were not" i announced "oh yeah she was raped" Peyton announces my heart sank

"you asshole don't bring that up justin doesn't know" jade snapped "actually he does but that's not the point don't tell people that" i snapped justin grabbed my waist to let me know it was okay "Peyton go to your room" Rosie says Peyton gets up and goes upstairs "i can't believe you're wearing heels" justin says

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