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"whatever" he said the video ended i put it on my snapchat story I'm wearing (pic above) "what's this" alfredo asks holding up a box of stuff  I knew exactly what it was we sat down on the couches and chairs  "you went through my closet" i was confused "yeah" he told me "what is it" kendall asked "its stuff that you guys don't know about me, and it's my passed" i told them "un tape it" he told me

"its been like 3 years i don't know if I want to" I confessed "how bad could it be" Kylie questioned   "when I was broken and in alot of pain   i put all the drugs i was hiding, the pack of cigarettes, and the razors i use to cut in a box..

......this box.....I put my suicide note in here, the pills that i tried to fight justin for, even the rope I hung myself with i put everything in here the text messages i received from my dad and everything else" i explained

"Why did you put everything in a box" alfredo asked "because it was the first time I was letting go" I told them  "are you glad you dad is dead" tyga asked "yeah the stuff he said to me make me sick he put me through

hell and now he is in hell" I told them what did he say to you if you don't mind" tyga asked "well he told me I need to get my nasty ass viginia away from Justin" i confessed "he said that" Kylie was shocked i nodded

"well on Justin's birthday before he died he texted me "i heard it was Justin's birthday what'd you get him pussy hope he can return it" i told them they were shocked "and go ahead cut like the little bitch you are" i told them "oh my god" kendall says "he told me to go sit in the corner where i belong you dunce"

"he also texted me on Justin's birthday Ewww you want to fuck your stepbrother" i told them "you did fuck your stepbrother" kendall says "thank you for helping and yeah I'd fuck him again I'd fuck him on stage  i wouldn't do that but I don't care what people think anymore you can say whatever the hell you want to me and I'm not gonna care because I'm happy " i told her

I read more texts "i wanted to throw you in the dumpster like the trash you are when you were born but your mom wouldn't let me" "you're a mistake" "you don't deserve to be happy

i wish you were dead life would be better without  you derevse to rot in hell your a fucking slut who wants to fuck your stepbrother, like just because I like my stepbrother doesn't make me a Slut, I've been with three people my whole life and one of them I want to throw up every time I think about it i dated Cameron dallas but we didn't do anything and Justin well I mean he's justin" i told them "he deserved to die" Kylie says

"oh there's more  he was like justin hates you i hate you your  mom hates you why do you think justin had sex with someone else instead of you and with you in the next room" i told them

"oh he also told me i deserve to die go shove some more pills down your throat i bet you will your a screw up" you mother fucking piece of shit go rot in hell" i explained to them "he told me that best thing he ever

did was pushing his cock so far into me that i cough up blood and i wanted to throw you in the dumpster like the trash you are when you were born but your mom wouldn't let me" i explained to me "wow that's messed up what dad would do that to a little girl" tyga says

"are you okay" justin asks i looked at him i nodded he smiled and kissed me passionately then deepened the kiss then pulled away "so you have your dad's last name" Kylie says "sadly"

i told her "so when you get married your taking Bieber I'm guessing "Kendall says "who said I'm marrying Justin" I asked "you did" justin said "yes okay I'll be Alex Bieber" I told them

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